Biden says he won't shut down the Economy, he will shut down the Virus?

Mmmmmmmmmmmmk…How you gonna’ do that oh sage of Scranton?

Inquiring minds want to know…

He CANNOT shut down the virus. It’s so stupid I can’t understand how anyone can be taken in by it.

Funny how many things he’s flipped on, & plagiarized what Trump was already doing about the virus. Well, not really funny at all Joe…

Amazing how when Trump tried to shut down China travel the left got their mugs on camera over & over & called Trump a bigot for it, went down to Time Square & Chinatown & made a huge deal how the virus was nothing to worry about, “Come on down!” says Chuck & Nancy. They went on like that for a month, BUT NOW it’s all Trump’s fault! He’s negligent! Even though he fast tracked everything he could to help, masks, ventilators, temporary hospitals, hospital ships, fast tracking medicines, etc. All the while all the democrats was interested in was impeaching him.

But hey, it’s all Trumps fault!


His lies are so outrageous they are insulting.

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You need to take him seriously not literally…


Well said! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Here’s a good breakdown on several differences:

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You could have googled his plan.

I’ve prob posted over 100 posts highlighting whats in there and what’s different and how it will work. So I dropping out of this thread now because today is busy and in not gonna repeat my self all day.

But I gave the link to help. There is a plan (something Trump has been missing)
He has even published a plan on how to reopen


Maybe YOU need to take this fool seriously but our upcoming votes say, “we” don’t have to take him at all. :sunglasses:


I already voted for him.

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…and if he wins, you are complicit for the future…good or bad?

The thought of Biden being elected, scares the absolute hell out of me…because I know he’s not calling the shots and what I don’t know…is…who is?


Another sucka for the “Biden Bait ‘n Switch”. Just keep in mind sir you’ll have to wait 2 years to effect a change in the House and Senate and another 4 to change the WH. You’ll still have to look at yourself in the mirror every day too.


His plan is ridiculous.

Better than a quarter of a million people dead. :man_shrugging:t2:

What about it is ridiculous?

Because you’ve bought into " it is what it is"…

It isn’t.

It can be shut down. Taiwan just had its 200th day with out a new case. Explain that?

Same thing we’ve been asking about Trump. We know he’s not calling the shots.

What a load of crap.

Is it not true?


Depends on your© interpretation of those phrases.

The Biden plan is pointless…

Pretty much just generalities…

And that senile old man isn’t calling his own shots anyway.

From the Biden plan

“ And, even as we respond to this crisis, we must prepare for the next one. As President, Biden will establish and manage a permanent, professional, sufficiently resourced public health and first responder system…”

The first thing Trump had to do responding to this pandemic was to restock the shelves from the sad response of the Obama Biden Administration to the health emergency that happened during their time in office.


He will shut it down by media blackout.

Exactly what was done with H1N1 case counts.