Biden says he won't shut down the Economy, he will shut down the Virus?

Let’s learn from Clueless Joe’s experience shall we.

“ Joe Biden’s former and current top aid Ron Klain previously said about their response to and handling of the 2009 H1N1 influenza, “A bunch of really great, really talented people were working on it and we did every possible thing wrong. Sixty million Americans got H1N1 in that period of time, and it’s just purely a fortuity that this isn’t one of the great mass casualty events in American history. It had nothing to do with us doing anything right. It just had to do with luck.” Politico ran a headline about H1N1 that read, “Biden has fought a pandemic before. It did not go smoothly.”, having trouble w link on my phone but that’s an easy google search.


This is off the topic of the thread but…

One of the biggest pending disasters of the Harris AOC Sanders Biden Administration would be the media/big tech blackout on actual news.


This is true.

I think it will be a topic after the election no matter who wins.

I m curious…if clueless Joe and the grandstanding phony Senator Harris have such a grand plan to shut down the virus…

How come they sat on it?

They say the deaths are all Trump’s fault…Kamala is a sitting Senator how come she didn’t offer the brilliant plan to the country?

The answer is they’ve got empty talk…”we’ll shut down the virus not the economy” is a bumper sticker not a plan.

“ Asked specifically whether he’d push to shutter economic activity if scientists said it was necessary, Biden replied: “I would shut it down.” (From dates Aug 23 by Bill Barrow).

Of course, that will be after the senile old dumbass raises your taxes and gets Hunter a new job somewhere.


Media blackout and it magically goes away.

Just like all of Hunter Biden’s moral failing.

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Appearing on Joy Reid’s MessNbc show…Ms. Reid asked Clueless Joe what he would have done differently from Trump re: Covid 19.

As Karl Rove pointed out in this piece…Biden’s answer was that he would do the same things Trump was already doing.

“ “I was taken by the lazy response that Biden had,” Rove remarked, presenting his trademark whiteboard with a list of things Biden said he would do, and adding that Trump has already done or is working on those things:…“He said … we need to use the Defense Production Act – President Trump used that March 27 to force GM to produce more ventilators. [Then he said] we need more tests. [We had] 796,000 tests yesterday,” Rove continued…“He said we ought to wear masks. Well, on April 3, the CDC and the White House coronavirus task force recommended we all wear masks – We need to provide help for businesses. Well, in the CARES Act on March 27, they put nearly $660 billion of mostly forgivable loans to small businesses.”…Rove said Biden’s comments about vaccines and nonpayment of COVID treatments, to him, echoed Trump’s own response…“Here’s a guy that wants to be president – a softball question: ‘What would you do differently?’ All six of the things he says are exactly what this current president is doing.”

If libs think Biden has some magical plan for Covid…

He doesn’t!


Really? Then one has to consider all of those who left his administration and wrote bad things about him for the shots he called, that they disagreed with. How is it then that in your world, “we know”?

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He will stand on one shore of America have Harris stand on the other shore, and chant 'Black Lives Matter!" and scare the virus away. (this is meant to be sarcastic if you are humor impaired)

In all seriousness, by the time Joey takes the oath of office, a vaccine will be ready. He needs to worry more about the coming inflation (that he caused) then he needs to about the coronavirus.


Who is he beholden to? That’s all you have to ask.

Just having a President who doesn’t say the frontline doctors risking their lives are lying about COVID deaths to make more money would be enough of a change.
What a despicable ■■■■■■■ thing Trump said yesterday. Take a shot at defending that.


I’ve been waiting for Hillary to tell the virus to “cut it out” just like she told Wall Street🤪

You tell me…you made the comment. Who is making the final decisions?

The data on comorbidity and fatality is a subject of discussion.

I think it is more about administration than treating phycisians.

Guess what…

Just because some lib voting for a socialist demands I defend something…

Doesn’t mean I’m defending anything.

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Prefixes have meaning.

People are more susceptible.

The discussion has already been had. The pandemic is over turned the corner and it will be gone - there are rose covered glasses and there is unadulterated nonsense. Keep on trucking.

I honestly hope you stay on the forums if the President loses.

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Yay everyone who disagrees with me is a socialist is back. Welcome back everyone.


When none of this happens, quite literally you guys won’t change your positions or say oops. You will just move on. But it’s ok i think wait i can get this right oh i got it “i understand”

These forums are more cathartic when your party is out of power.

I have been here since 2003.

Nice of you to backhand suggest others go away.

Your content contribution is appreciated.

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Actually it’s quite the opposite. I mean when i say that you should stay. No one should ever leave these forums.

There was nothing back handed or underhanded or short handed about my post. I hope you and everyone else stays regardless who wins.

The cathartic nature of the forums is a huge reason why.

Not everything is adversarial

Come on. Don’t soft pedal.
Everyone knows Biden is a communist.