Biden’s meeting with putin

If Putin came out of the meeting crying and clutching his ankle while Biden dragged him on the floor you would still say Putin won.

It’s not the fact that your opinion is irrelevant, it’s not. It’s the fact that you are opinionating on something so very silly


Are you in Texas? Is it winter time?

Sorry that was a bit too easy

Thank you for getting off notes.

The audience was a pretty large one.

Not just me…LOL.

In a multi nation summit? Ok. Of course not just so you.

You and those who think like you.

So you do see that Biden was all platitudes and no deliverables.

In what context? You are straying.

Exactly the context that was presented.

There was NO consequences for any cyber acts and Putin shut him down by saying it was not him.

Like it never happened.

Putin gets HIS pipeline to the EU. Biden loses…again.

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The issue with Russia is that they don’t prosecute it. The bigger issue is that you don’t care because if you did you’d be talking about Russia hacking our intelligent agencies and how they should be punished for that. Instead you are trying to pin hacks by private groups onto Biden. Try again. Let’s go.

“Well, I guess the overall is, we didn’t get anything,” Trump replied. “We gave a very big stage to Russia, and we got nothing. We gave up something that was unbelievably valuable. I stopped the pipeline, Nord Stream. And that pipeline was stopped. And it was given back, and nothing was gotten for it. And it was just — it was another day. And performance art, you will take a look at how various people performed, namely, the two people. And, you know, you have to form your own judgment. It’s not for me to say. But I will say that it was — I think it was a good day for Russia. I don’t see what we got out of it.

No it was because he would not be able to control who and what was asked.


A political decision to censor and write fiction for the people who elected him to serve THEM…not himself.

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…and you don’t even comprehend how typical what you just did…is. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

What’s nice is that Trump spends his time denigrating the POTUS and rooting against America. It’s a really fine way for a former POTUS to act.

Love the article on Fox News this morning.

Biden Blew it!

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Even CNN is saying Biden gave Putin exactly what he wanted, your guy blew it! It’s ok! We know you would defend him no matter what. What happened to that tough talk Biden promised?

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I am advocating laws be passed they require minimal securities for industries that can cripple our economy and our government.

CNN did have a story on that…but they also had stories on what Biden got out of the summit, especially in conjunction with the overall European trip.

The gist of the CNN editorial piece was by having the summit at all and calling Putin a world leader, Biden was lending Putin a legitimacy that maybe a leader of a country with a GDP smaller than Spain’s doesn’t deserve (Obama called Russia a “regional power” and Trump usually just referred to it as Russia).

Sounds like CNN was trying to present multiple opinions on the topic…unlike some other outlets.

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Of who of Putin.
