Biden releases 'gender equity' plan that calls for eliminating cash bail

We’ve seen posted in multiple threads a list of common causes of poverty – causes that are all personal choices. And no, I’m not saying those causes are the only ones, but they are far and away the common ones.


January 6th detainees have been held for decades?


You get to pick your examples to make your case, but you don’t want others to pick theirs?


So an adult physical striking a 7 year old, resulting in contusions requiring medical treatment, didn’t get reported. Obviously you didn’t have parents like mine. If any adult had caused me actual physical injury as a child, may God have had mercy on their soul, because my parents would’t. And US law has seen numerous state and municipal prosecutions of adults for assaults of children leading to physical injury. No action was taken because your parents chose to not press charges.

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What does it have to do with bail?

Well the same question can be asked of your call to avoid J6 examples in this thread.

I was just pointing out the duplicity in your post I responded to.

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Leave it to a prog to define “true conservatives” in 2022.

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So you think that is what “spanking” means on schools today?

Rand Paul?

What J6 examples of bail issues?

J6 defendants are bringing up jail conditions and I highly support investigating those issues for them and anyone else who face prison condition issues. But that’s not about bail.

You. If you want to quote Rand Paul stating what a “true conservative” believes then go ahead and pleasure yourself. It was your post, not Rand Paul’s. I wasn’t debating what the man believes.

I agree with Rand Paul on this issue. By all accounts he is conservative.

“Americans should be able to expect fair and equal treatment under the law regardless of how much money is in their pockets or how many connections they have.”

Do you agree?

After we get thugs off the streets, incarcerated so they can do no harm, we can debate the finer points.

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Ok so no- you don’t agree with Pail. Fair enough.

You’ve seen discussion on them already.

I don’t countenance apron tugging.

No there have been no examples of J6 bail issues expressed. If anyone’s tugging aprons…

And I didn’t engage your post to discuss bail issues for J6 cases. I just pointed out your duplicity in the post I initially quoted. Nothing more. And that hasn’t changed. You’re welcome to take up J6 stuff with the member you said shouldn’t be bringing up J6.

I’ll repeat:

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So my point stands- in a thread focusing on bail reform, why bring up something unrelated to bail reform? Just calling out thread derailment.

You can read what that member posted. It was wholly relevant to the post she replied to. (And it wasn’t even your post.)

Your duplicity stands.