Biden Public Rival Threat Pattern. Presidential?

Oh yes he is.

Sounds like you’re presuming.

No threat. No threat.

Reverse the roles.

Let’s “start” with your initial accusation against Ivanka and Jared?

President Trump’s daughter, Ivanka Trump, who serves as Advisor to the President, and her husband, Jared Kushner, who serves as Assistant to the President and Senior Advisor, each forgo their White House salaries.

If the Biden’s are not excused, then act like it. You haven’t acted like it thus far.

This President has had to go through 3 stinking years of unfounded allegations of Russian collusion. Enough damage has been done chasing nothing burgers my friend. Now…we’re going through this impeachment sham. Don’t you think you’ve been used enough?


Who cares when you have access to foreign diplomats? They run an international business. Who you know if very important.

Plus they are related to the President. Just as Hunter is related to Joe. We don’t need to find actual corruption to say that it may be a conflict of interest. :wink:

When is Trump going to catch a break. By the way, WRONG. It wasn’t unfounded. Plenty of collusion going on, just couldn’t prove conspiracy.

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Never mind my friend. At this stage, you’re too far gone to think and speak rationally.

It’s a bit of a shame, really. These guys were really close friends. Biden actually worked pretty hard to help Graham with his reelection in 2013.

In 2015 Graham had nothing but good things to say about Biden…

“I called him after Beau died, and he basically said, ‘Well Beau was my soul’,” Graham said, his voice trembling, adding that Biden gave a speech at Graham’s retirement party from the Air Force Reserve “and said some of the most incredibly heartfelt things that anybody could ever say to me.”
“He’s THE nicest person I’ve ever met in politics,” Graham said. “He’s as good a man as God has ever created.”

Graham added, “We don’t agree on much,” but noted Biden has “been dealt a real gut blow” yet “focuses on what he’s got to do, not what he’s lost.”

Read Newsmax: Lindsey Graham: Joe Biden Is ‘As Good a Man as God Has Ever Created’ |

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Does it pose a conflict of interest to have the Presidents kids, who have international businesses, work for the President in the WH?

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Well, since they aren’t getting a salary, I guess there’s no issues with them working in the administration, working for Trump’s businesses, and having access to anyone and everyone? I guess you see nothing wrong with that?

Wait, so I’m supposed to run around screaming at the sky like Idiot Nunes? Nah. Again, its bad taste. Its bad form. Illegal? Nope.

There was Russian collusion.
Impeachment inquiry is done as part of Congressional oversight to look into potential shady shenanigans of the other branches. If Trump is innocent, then he will be exonerated, either when the inquiry goes to vote in House or when Senate finds him not guilty.

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Trump’s kids are victims.

TrumpCons are now starting to worry about what looks presidential or not? That is hysterical. I mean just too darned funny.


Don’t run from your accusations. I never implied anything remotely that warrants this post. You made statements that you couldn’t back up and I simply pointed it out.

IMO…yes but I also recognize that these assets were owned by them prior to becoming advisors. It wasn’t a result of them becoming advisors…as in the case of Biden Jr. Do you recognize the difference?

Ivanka gained Chinese patents while working for the WH. Hunter gained a board seat while his Dad was VP. How are they different?

He is about to go down. He has lost the respect of many, Now went from being very popular to only having a 7 point lead over his rival. He use to be someone that both sides respected, even if they disagreed with him, at least they trusted him.
Now he has lost respect and perhaps a election based on him selling his sole to become Trumps lapdog.

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Please post a link so that I can better understand your assertion?

Correction…Trump went from polling behind the leading D candidates to now being ahead.

For example, Trump holds small leads over each of four top Democratic candidates for president in head-to-head matchups in the new survey, while three of the Democrats held small leads over Trump in the previous poll.

…and I’m sorry to tell you this Doloop. :sunglasses:

I commented.

You don’t see any conflicts of interest? You see nothing wrong with Trump’s kids running their Pop’s business while getting to chat with foreign leaders? All on taxpayer’s dime?

Republican thinking on this board.
Muller report - 34 indictment, 7 guilty pleas, 5 jail time, a report that said Trump campign was open to working with Russia but did not become a criminal consipersy. Maybe Obstruction = “Unfounded allegations and a witch hunt”. Clearly innocent and nothing there.

Hunter Biden / Brusima - One investigation opened up and closed, zero indictments, zero guilty please, zero jail time (PRIOR to Biden demanding a firing of a prosecutor) = CLEARLY guilty.

Bengenzi and Hillarys emails - 36 investigations, zero indictments, zero Jail time - CLEARLY guilty.


Can you not read my response to Pump or is it discernment that presents a problem?