Biden Press Conferences with Questions Beginning 9/2/2020

Blaming Trump for the Covid pandemic isn’t a winning hand.

Please don’t let me interrupt a well planned move.

Pivot is good.

He didn’t mention thugs on an airplane or bags of soup, so he preformed better then Trump.

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:joy: :rofl: :laughing: :sweat_smile: :wink:…I can’t wait for the debates. :sunglasses:

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Did he recommend chugging bleach or shoving UV lights in body holes?

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He throws like a girl.

Only TDS libs have ever recommended that.

You’re right. We need those listening to be better discerners of what they heard. Will you lead the way? :sunglasses:

No. He didn’t.

However, four losers threw a chlorine bomb at a police officer who suffered heart damage and will probably never fully recover.

Guess what the losers got sentenced to? Two years of probation.

You want to play games with words? How about reality.

21 posts were merged into an existing topic: General Slop from Various Threads +fd

You do understand that Biden turned around and ask his staff who to pick to take questions from.

Dead give away that questions were per-selected.

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Can you provide a link?

It’s feelings.

No…watch it yourself.

Libs have no shame.

That’s just your opinion then, right?

Watch it. No opinion…fact.

We’ve been told that Biden hasn’t left his basement since March. Are even sure it was the real Joe Biden or just a hologram?

Watching it will prove the questions were pre selected? How?

Ar 9 and half minutes he turns to his left and said now that staff is going to call on whoever.

Canned questions.


Actually it’s not. He referenced someone off screen who was choosing the questioners.

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