Biden pinches young girl's nipple


Biden is untouchable?

The part were the girl got her nip pinched by the pedophile in chief?

Of course. Assume all dems are angels. :innocent: Cuz they are.

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Did you (c) know about this video and vote for him anyway?

If so, then yes.



Who are you suggesting investigate? CNN? MSNBC? The NY Times? They won’t even report it, much less investigate. What about the justice department? You know, the ones who slow walk every investigation of democrats or simply drop all charges? Who do you have in mind?


because it’s fake. Even Fox isn’t going with this.

I am sure Fox could take this one up.

Or is the hard hitting investigation by poptipic enough?

Of course. The girl is a liar. Screw #believewomen. When you see Biden move his fingers into a nipple tweaking position then see the girl flinch. It’s all fake.

What info do you have to suggest it’s fake? I’ll wait.

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Well, I have eyes, for one thing. Plus not a single major news outlet is going with it, including Fox or Newsmax.

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You’re really going with National File? Where’s Fox? Where is Newsmax?

That video is proof of what?

If real, I hope she and her family come forward.

As of now there is a screenshot of a TikTok account that doesn’t exist and people interpreting a video to fit their preconceptions. She hasn’t said anything. Her family hasn’t said anything. Her uncle, Steven Daines, a Republican who is staunchly pro-Trump and anti-Biden hasn’t said anything.

A conservative Australian website and someone named Jonathan Pasetti (who may or not be a real person) have unleashed the imaginations of the right. Doesn’t take much.


Amazing isn’t it? Bumbling old codger afraid to come out of his basement one week, untouchable elite who regularly molests children with impunity the next.


I was just putting a source that has the name of the guy who supposedly did the tiktok quasi interview.

Keep talking sources, I know it’s better than talking the subject.

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Then you saw the nipple pinch.

Correction. A tiktok account that did exist but was supposedly deleted along with her other social media after this “interview”.

And so brazen! Right in front of her family and a photographer!

Well, when you’re famous they just let you… Or something.