Biden officially launches bid for President

Yeah, none of us should.

Whataboutism, it’s a thing.
BTW, I only have two best friends and they are women.

Hogwash. You have heard many people say things like this unless you were raised in a monastery. Some of my best friends have said these things. Yours too! :slightly_smiling_face:

I don’t know or care.

Then you just got schooled in how many men, even democrats speak. They brag of their conquests. Sorry dude. Tell the girls. It’s true.

No they didn’t.

You’ve already decided? Who are you going with?

The election is not happening yet.

Ok. You live in a world where men never boast of their sexual conquests. Of course you do. Your virgin ears have never heard such things!

This is what the GOP sold their soul to.



You live in a world where men never boast of their sexual conquests. Of course you do. Your virgin ears have never heard such things!

Your people are no better. You don’t think that Corey said some pretty questionable things in the football locker room? If he didn’t say it, he certainly heard it. The difference is that nobody is going to rat him out.

First, that was the most stupid comment I ever heard a politician say.

Having said that, Is that really how it went? I thought he said he could do that and people would forgive him because he is rich. That is kind of the same as me stating I could kill someone and get away with it. Now me actually killing someone is far worse than my statement saying I could and get away with it… So I am asking because I do not know, Did he actually do it or did he just say he could and get away with it?

Nah my brother, I never heard any of my past male friends describe how they sexually attacked females.

You don’t know what democratic politicians say off the record. Do you now? Reporters rarely rat out dems. They’re on the same team.

And. The issue has already been played out. People have already decided. Why not run against his record? All of the personal crap has been tried and already failed once.

The point is that he doesn’t even wait, he just moves on them. In other words, sexual assault.

I’ve got to use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her. You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. I just kiss. I don’t even wait.

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irregardless, it was still a stupid thing to say, just like it was stupid for Joe Biden to tell the guy to stand up that was in a wheel chair. There is no sense in trying to gloss over that comment. When I hear men bragging about their conquests, and it does happen, I do not laugh with them. I think of the purity of my daughter and tell them to knock it off because I dont want to hear it.

We are, especially this treasonous moment.

“I have great confidence in my intelligence people, but I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today,” Trump said during a joint news conference after he spent about two hours in a room alone with Putin, save for a pair of interpreters.

Extremely crude. I agree. But some of the people in this thread make it sound like he actually did this. His statement was crude enough, it doesnt need to be embellished upon.

Awesome! The President never claimed to attack anyone either. Now If you want a real Sexual predator, look know further than Bill Clinton. The man you tried to put back in the Whitehouse.

So back to my other question. You guys went with this angle last time and it bombed. Are yo sticking with the same, lame strategy yet again?

After two years of the Russia scam, if you think that normal people are not completely bored with Russia talk then please, I beg you. Go with Russia. You definitely cannot whip him on policy. So puh-leeeze stick with Russia. Meanwhile :sleeping::sleeping::sleeping: