Biden insults 82nd airborne soldier. A Marine responds

People this is one of the worst things a commander and chief can do. So dishonorable. Yet another reason why we cannot tolerate this man any longer. It’s a quick read. Very well written. Let me know your thoughts.


I don’t think awards are meant to be compared. Biden definitely stepped in some ■■■■ with this one.

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I’m chalking this one up to Biden being a dementia patient who never came to terms with his son’s death.

Absolutely not. As the writer says. The Marine cooks and truck drivers are warfighters. But they won’t insult anyone who served in any capacity. Neither should the President.


Napoleon said that an army marches on its stomach. He was right about that.

You can’t kill the enemy without the logistics needed to support the endeavor.

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Not an excuse. He’s been this way his whole life. Trying to glorify himself. Just like his lies about his civil rights record, being arrested, coal mining, truck driving years, football and baseball heroics and repeatedly telling people that Beau was killed in action. It’s pathetic.


I believe biden was somehow comparing the two.

And i believe biden uses that worn out line way too much.

But what the hell does that sentence even mean??

It’s one of his nonsense sentences, right??

There is no doubt that Biden is the worst Commander in Chief this country has ever known, even worse than Obama. Both have disgustingly denigrated the USA Military.


what a completely disgusting human being.

Not only are they not meant to be compared, but I’m pretty sure Beau’s bronze star was awarded for being a Biden.


Some Biden sycophant will try to defend this. Dunno how though.

The primary role of a Marine cook is rifleman.

One thing we know for sure is that none of the “C” networks will be covering this. Had it been Trump, You would be hearing about this for weeks. Maybe months.


he’s pathetic. no other way to describe him


Usually the libs rush out to defend him. In this case I’m guessing they’re realizing they got nuttin.

Ernest Hemingway was awarded the bronze star as non combatant

for his bravery reporting while in combat

what bravery did Beau display?

Bronze Star and MSM are the exact same thing just is one is earned in a combat zone. The differiation comes when a V device is earned. At Bagram every officer and senior enlisted got a BS if they were deployed there for a year.

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From the article; During his time in Iraq, Beau Biden did not see combat, nor did he lead troops in any combat mission. His role as a JAG officer was an advisory role to American forces, usually when it came to rules of engagement during certain operations and other legal issues that came up. During/for his time in the National Guard, Biden was awarded two medals of note: a Bronze Star medal and a Legion of Merit, with the latter being awarded posthumously.

JAG officer- I immediately thought he might have been berated by Nicholson- but even that wouldn’t earn a Bronze Star…