Biden insults 82nd airborne soldier. A Marine responds

He’s a jerk is what he is.

Always has been.

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If you die while deployed, it’s an automatic award. Jacob Barton got one (along with a Purple Heart) for being murdered in the mass shooting at Camp Liberty’s stress clinic.

If you’re an E7 or above, it’s an automatic award for showing up.

If you’re a Butter Bar and you show up to Afghanistan for the last 2 1/2 months without ever seeing combat, it’s still an automatic reward.

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I wasn’t aware. I thought it was a bit more than that. I was out before A-stan.

So our president has been reduced to the monkey defense when prompted to resign; screaming incoherently and flinging fecal matter.

I know I never wore the uniform but this strikes me as wrong on all levels, especially from the CINC.

If there isn’t a “V” device attached to that medal, there’s a 99.x% chance that nothing specific was done to actually earn it, other than showing up with enough rank.

I know dozens of people with an ARCOMM w/ “V” Device, because they were only E-4’s and E-3’s at the time of the award. Those meant a ■■■■ ton more than Beau’s BS.


Army truck drivers (and those of every branch) did insane missions in Iraq.


:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: No it’s not.

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This Crowe fellow must be a stud. He went to the Batt Boys. I wonder if he had a company.

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Brandon’s lost the last shred.

From OP link

“tell me who did something that you’ve never done with your Bronze Star like my son!”

What does this mean?

The military needs to fix this. The Bronze Star needs to be for combat only. No “V”.

The MSM is for meritorious service.


Exactly, the truck, with the logistics it is carrying, is a priority target. The driver makes it happen, with a whole lot of IED casualties to show for it. Haven’t seen Beau Biden’s citation, so we don’t know if it was a tour award, or an impact award for a specific incident. But that V device requires conduct during a specific engagement.

The President’s verbal attack was beneath his position as CINC. It was a self centered personal attack and nothing more. He acts like an immature emperor, lashing out at anything he doesn’t like to hear.


The unintelligent words of a demented narcissist, and nothing more. You don’t do something with an award, you get the award because you did something.


Well not technically primary. One of their roles is to be a rifleman if needed. Their primary job is to be a cook because ya know logistics is important. But if ■■■■ hits the fan they are supposed to maintain enough skill with their rifle to be a replacement rifleman in a pinch. Or if ■■■■ has really went south and the enemy has made their way into the logistics area. Then it’s everyone who can fire a rifle. That second thing happened a bit during the Pacific War against the Japanese. They would launch a nighttime raid and infiltrate into the Marine rear areas. Then it was every marine with a weapon fighting off Japanese soldiers. Cooks, loaders, cartographers, the guys who usually weren’t fighting had to fight for their lives in those situations.

They developed an entire weapon system during WWII specifically for that possibility. The M1 Carbine was designed to replace the 1911 as a primary weapon for logistics crews like cooks and manual loaders. Mainly because it takes a lot of time to become decent with a powerful handgun like the 1911. The Carbine was much easier to train on and required only a fraction of the time to become “good enough.” And in WWII due to its size (they inducted somewhere around 16 million guys in four years) they had to cut back on training to get them into their zones of responsibility fast. So they did everything in their power to design both weapons and tools that were easy to train on and be effective with. That’s easily viewable by how the weapons systems changed over the course of the war.

When the war started the US was issuing Thompson sub guns to NCOs. It’s a complicated gun with some weird operating quirks that isn’t really natural. By the end of the war they had replaced it with the M3 family, which was so brain dead simple a gorilla could be trained on it. It also didn’t hurt that a Grease gun only costed about a 1/4 of what a Thompson costed. It’s really simple. A stamped tube with a big block receiver that you literally charged by shoving your fingers in the tube and pulling the receiver directly.

I have no words…… Biden is a total embarrasmenr here.

Though I am Not sure anyones military service should be defined by the fact of whether they saw combat or not. There are plenty of roles in the military that are not front line but are critical (and plenty that arent :grinning:).

But yes those who literally put their life on the line deserve a very different type of respect than say someone in an administrative role.

I now await the usual word parsing but hopefully you get the gist of what i am saying.

Thank you. I just wish everyone felt the same about Trump’s belittling of John McCain’s service to the country.

I honestly wish it was legal to re-create the POW experience like they do the SEAL training experience so you can understand what he had to go through.

They didn’t call that place ‘Hanoi Hilton’ for nothing.

(to those who wonder what I’m talking about, google ‘Don Shipley’ for fun)

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Well, Brandon is “doing something” with Beau’s award. He’s waving it in everyone’s face and leveraging Beau’s death for political gain. The guy has no shame.


Agree 100%

Beau get his Cold War Recognition Certificate

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Heirs of the Cold War, it’s what we’ve become!!

Ozzy Osbourne