Biden hits new high in popularity

Saw him walking today in a walking boot when he announced his economic team. Didn’t seem to slow him down a bit.

How would you know?

It was on YouTube.

No, I mean how would you know if it slowed him down?

Because he had a normal gait? I am not getting what you are going for, here.

Ok. Thanks.

They will of course treat him with red carpet it’s not going to matter he can’t hide and they won’t be able to fend of the decline people are not stupid. He had the perfect storm to win the coronavirus which landed on Trump and Biden got to hide in the basement.

He will have to start making speeches regularly.

The same goes for most in Congress. :wink:

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That’s absurd. One size fits all is the absolute worst way to handle a crisis.


You have an true talent for misrepresenting what other people say.

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Biden is just like all the other Democrats. Being united requires you to go along with everything he says. Remember Obama’s unifying statement … “they can come along for the ride, but they’re goin’ to have to sit in the back of the bus.” That sure brought me on board. :roll_eyes:


And they will all have jobs tearing down the wall. :wink:


Dead on.


To them, the states are just places to live… not the predominant source of power as written into our constitution.


Meh. I’ve seen her with her pants off (okay, maybe it was a photoshop fake) she’s got nothing special. :wink:

When did Trump supporters ever claim to be loving, tolerant, and diverse? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Iran is even going so far as to restrain themselves from retaliating for the assassination of their top nuke scientist because they know Biden will give them whatever they want, unless they put him in a political corner.


Better living through chemistry. :blush:

Catapults might be faster :thinking: