Biden goes full fascist: Get the shot or get fired

In the US, any cases of covid in patients who have been vaccinated in the previous 14 days are counted as unvaccinated.

I am not a covid denier. I am a covid treater.
The video above is long but worth every second of your time.

The Biden created COVID variant pandemic of 2021

President Biden recently mentioned we have a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” . Of course, that comment was made to divide the nation and bully the “unvaccinated” into accepting a government one-size fits all program ___ get vaccinated, even the millions of Americans who have acquired natural immunity.

But wait a minute. Is it not fair to say that the real pandemic now spreading across our country is one created by President Biden?

Keep in mind Biden has refused to compel hundreds of thousands of foreigners invading our southern border to be vaccinated. Instead, he has greeted them with open arms and has even provided transportation for them into our nation’s interior, COVID infected and all.

The frightening fact is, tens of thousands of those being released into our nation’s interior with Biden’s approval have come from a number of countries around the world including China, Bangladesh, Turkey, Egypt, Nigeria, Kenya, and various other countries including India where the Covid-19, Delta variant originated.

Considering we now have a Delta outbreak spreading across our country, and new variants popping up all the time, and Biden has been filling our country with tens of thousands of unvaccinated, and COVID infected foreigners from all parts of the world into our nation’s interior, is it not reasonable to say we now have a Biden created COVID variant pandemic in the United States?


The Democrat Party Leadership, once an advocate for hard working American citizens and their families, is now their worst nightmare.

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LOL no, like I said, it is in the conspiratorial group think. But you never know when mobs are concerned. Remember, this is airborne. Very unlike Aids.

When AIDS first hit the seen I remember there was a lot of concern about how easily it could be spread.

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Good one. Leads to a lot of inevitable questions about our uniform acceptance of certain things the government requires of all citizens. And the next inevitable question: why do some citizens find certain things intolerable that others don’t? Which I suppose isn’t a political question at all.

Sure but the issue of mandated vaccines has come up again and again legally and it’s always been deemed constitutional- for well over 100 years.

Frankly before this vaccine anti-vaxing seemed relegated to far right christian conservatives and the far-left new age woo woo crowd. And now millions of conservatives are up in arms about this mandate, but not other mandated vaccines. So…political.

I remember, I was of that age. My step father died of it. We all knew it was not an airborne illness. It was not something I worried about. I’m not a drug addict, my step father was. I’m not gay. There was really no concern for your average normal person.

I remember people were worried that close contact with someone infected could spread the disease.

I’m very sorry about your step father.

They are a total joke and a slap in the face to the non-stupid

when Doocy asked that mental child who speaks at the media boot licking pravda press conferences about this she completely avoided answering

the administration is a fumbling joke of a middle finger in the face of anyone aware.

the last they they care about is anyone’s health.

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Illegals are stopping people from getting vaccinated?

among people who werent engaged in degenerate lifestyles right

remember who promoted that idiotic narrative?

no i dont think so

why do you ask?

I didn’t think so either.


why did you ask?

Right? Problem solved.

No, who?

I don’t think it’s political. That’s not how we see it, anyway. It’s purely from a medical standpoint. This vaccine is inherently different. And the adverse reactions are more numerous than any vaccine in history. And they are still recommending vax for pregnant and breastfeeding women even though there are NO studies done in those groups and there have been miscarriages and deaths in breastfeeding infants after the moms are vaccinated. . There are so many things that don’t make any sense. Fauci was asked on television a couple of days ago if he knows if natural immunity from having covid gives better coverage than vaccines’ immunity. He said something like he didn’t know but that should be looked at. What??!! Twenty months later and he hasn’t thought to ask the question?

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ahh dr television himself

the man who hasnt a clue.


no no. i asked why you asked. twice

can you answer?