Biden goes full fascist: Get the shot or get fired

I wasn’t talking about the employees.

:rofl: Of course. they say that about you, too

Yup, the difference is I don’t want to remove the Constitution, they do.

Stuck in her own moronic, narcissistic, demagogic, half-witted world of radical leftwing utopianism without any possibility of enlightenment or recovery.


Yes, the Bill of Rights is especially problematic for the Collectivists.

They love the supremacy and commerce clauses though.

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Yup…and…they must be defeated.


So what.

You’ve got to stand for something…I don’t sincerely care what leftists say about me. In their every action they assault our freedoms and drag us closer and closer to some sort of socialist Marxist utopian collective…

They can say whatever they want but they need to be defeated.


That’s what they say about you.

Greater good. Ask not what your country can do…

Individualists are a drag on progress.

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“Progressives” and “WokeFolk” are the most regressive asleep at the wheel kooks in America.


This could really do some damage to the medical community.

I would imagine smaller, more rural hospitals will be feeling a greater effect.

Hospital to stop delivering babies as maternity workers resign over vaccine mandate


Then I misunderstood. Who were you talking about?

From your link…

“If we can pause the service and now focus on recruiting nurses who are vaccinated, we will be able to reengage in delivering babies here in Lewis County,” said Cayer.

Going to be in short supply, good luck.


Not really. It is attractive to a certain demographic. The dogma sounds good.

I just know I m not buying and have no interest in the dangerous anti freedom bs they are selling.

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I’m going to say right now that I don’t believe this is going to happen. But some on the conspiratorial side believe at some point hospitals will not accept any patients that are not vaccinated.

Got it. I don’t think it will come to that.

Did hospitals turn away AIDS patients back in the day?

I understand. You do know they’re winning?


Ah, found something…

During June–July 2021, when B.1.617.2 (Delta) variant circulation predominated, effectiveness declined significantly to 53.1%.

Little less than the optimistic estimate for flu - 55% for children.

Depends which study you look at.