Biden Gaffes His Way Through Roundtable

tenor (2)


Exactly, but she was Asian.

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:snowflake: Happily sharing Donaldā€™s fainting chaise.

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Questions like ā€œboxers or briefs?ā€

And why are you so great??

Gropey Joe Hiden Biden will get a pass from the fake news lib mob lamestream media through November.

Meanwhile the fake news lib mob mainstream media will continue to send out their pack of shrill harpies to harass poor Donald with their totally nasty and very very unfair questions.


Why canā€™t we have balance? Donald deserves a media platform where they ask him questions about what a fantastic job heā€™s done, but alas no such thing exists. :confused:


Not exactly what weā€™re discussingā€¦

But still illustrates my point.

Iā€™m certain biden will emerge from his basement any day now and start taking questions from reporters who repeatedly interrupt him and ignore the one question rule and shout questions out of order and ask questions for their friends who canā€™t be there and follow-up the unanswered questions andā€¦


Nastiest questions in the history of this country some sayā€¦

Mission accomplished.

Like Bill and Hilary herself?

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Donā€™t forget Donald.

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That picture is a Photoshop. Part of a lib agenda to smear and besmirch the Greatest POTUS in Our Lifetime.

Donald never met Epstein.


He was just jokingā€¦

Human being who made a mistake and quickly apologized. I decided.

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Itā€™s actually just sad to watch after seeing a grand parent who is currently going through dementia. Never really disliked Biden he seems unlike Trump a very likable person but he is clearly suffering from dementia, not sure if the DNC can replace him or not.

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Roger Stone told a great story about a party Trump went to at Epsteinā€™s houseā€¦

ā€œThe swimming pool was filled with beautiful young girls,ā€ Mr. Trump later told a Mar-a-Lago member, according to Mr. Stone. ā€œā€˜How nice,ā€™ I thought, ā€˜he let the neighborhood kids use his pool.ā€™ā€


Maybe he wonā€™t spend lots of time at rallies and on twitter saying the press are enemies of the people and losers and liars and then expect them to take him seriously at press conferences. Maybe.

Iā€™m voting for Biden.

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Satanā€™s fav sis?