Biden camp cancels multiple Texas events after a "Trump Train" surrounded a campaign bus

Any pictures of this damage you’re regurgibleeting that happened?

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is this the same bus that blew a red light to get away from the people expressing their first amendment rights?


It that’s true, how do you describe what BLM has done in destroying many cities around the country?


Did they cancel further Biden events in big ole purple Texas? I guess the dems needed a good excuse to pull out.

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When confronted with an actual PEACEFUL PROTEST…Biden went into hidin…again. :sunglasses:


Who ever knew…an actual peaceful protest…could be sooooo scarwy for libs…amirite? :sunglasses:


Wish I knew it was this easy to run Biden and Democrats out of a state all those years I lived in Delaware.


heres the bus blowing through a red light

how dangerous

typical nutty left and democrats

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Yes you contribute so much.

Just pace yourselves. There’s going to be a lot of Republican electoral violence and hijinks to defend, justify, rationalize, and hand wave away over the next few weeks, months maybe.

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Good thing we have been coming to class here so long. I am going to practice right now. Mostly peaceful.

That’s what a Trump Caravan looks like. We had one here a couple of weeks ago. Looks like that bus got itself right in the middle of it.

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No, the Trump Chumps waited by the side of the freeway for the Biden campaign bus to pass. There’s video from one of the support vehicles, they’re driving down the freeway and the Trump vehicles were parked on the shoulder waiting for them.

There’s been a lot of defending of rioting, arson, looting already from the left. Lots of justification and “I understand it.”


And to think, not one person was murdered, not one brick thrown, or one fire started.



I spent much of the summer being disgusted by Joe Biden voters telling me violence was peaceful protest.

A group of Trump supporters actually protested, no protested isn’t the word. They peacefully displayed their support for their candidate, didn’t break any laws or windows or loot or steal a flat screen or destroy anyone’s life, livelihood or neighborhood, and the Biden camp couldn’t handle it.

Good for the Trump supporters.


those were actually all white supremacists.

dont laugh - they say these things. it’s that ridiculous.

Lol I wondered who reads The Federalist. Should have known.

I kind of get it now, apparently the impression was this was spontaneous “oh look a Trump Train I saw one of those they’re so cute and then this just happened lol”.

No, it was planned.

Like I said, pace yourselves.

I can’t confirm this but there were many shouts of “WOLVERINES!!!” from the symbols to overcompensating trucks.


Of course they planned it.