Biden Announces Re-election Bid


Joey Blockhead pandering for Hispanic votes again. This time offering citizenship to illegals married to US citizens “for at least ten years”?
Biden to offer migrants in US for 10 years legal status.

Except there are laws that exist for “immigrants with legal status” to gain US citizenship through marriage to a US citizen. An undocumented illegal that has been in America for ten ■■■■■■■ years and has not taken or made any effort toward citizenship needs to be thrown out or their ass. “Legal status” is OBidenspeak for “voting rights”. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a moron.

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In New York Times/Siena College polls over the last year, Biden holds a wide lead over Trump among regular primary and midterm voters, yet he trails among the rest of the electorate, giving Trump a lead among registered voters overall.

The pattern is the latest example of how the Trump brand of conservative populism has transformed American politics. His candidacy galvanized liberals to defend democracy and abortion rights, giving Democrats the edge in low-turnout special and midterm elections. Yet at the same time, early polls suggest, many less engaged and infrequent voters have grown deeply dissatisfied with Biden.

Biden is toast.

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People are tired of the bureaucracy. I know I am.


People are unhappy about inflation and Biden is too old and feeble. He’s going to lose.

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We’ll see.


I think that they support the concept of mass deportation but when the specifics of increased police state and the prospect of being stopped and forced to prove citizenship status… I think that it wanes a little.

Heck, the way it’s going, even Kamala may soon be more popular than Biden.



There is a huge amount of deportation to be done before you ever get to randomly asking for documents…which the courts would probably not allow. Chiefly, it would send a signal to the world that you can pay all the smugglers you want, your illegal presence will not be forgotten when you cross the border.
When this completely unvetted mass winds up in someone’s neighborhood, it is not that of wealthy Anglo college graduates (unless they are there undercutting lawn care wages).

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she’s insidious

no wonder even democrats cant stand her.

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Yeah, could be.

White House now saying latest videos of Joey are “cheap fake”? :rofl:

Or did the WH delete the part where Obama took Joes hand?

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The WH response (from the article): “ they can’t take on the leadership that’s fueling the strongest economic growth in the world, bringing violent crime to a 50-year low, restoring manufacturing jobs from overseas, and strengthening our alliances.”

Joseph Goebbels would be proud.

What’s funny is that they actually think people are buying this garbage.


They are buying it, that’s the problem.

Only the die hard brandonite.

The rest of us know exactly what is going on.

And to tell the truth I don’t even think the die hard brandonite even buys it. They just go along with the narrative.

I mean look at the issues.

bidenomics is working - not buying it

Border is secure - not buying it

biden is mentally fit - not buying it

Economy is toing good - not buying it

US foreign policy is going well - not buying it.

Nobody is buying thier narratives anymore.