Biden Announces Re-election Bid

I was just about going to post that video! Dude looks like a ■■■■■■■ happy zombie!


As reported by Mike Johnson, Kevin McCarthy, and other house MAGAdoodles.

Reliable and unimpeachable sources. :laughing:

we can see it with our own eyes. you can too

but he’s the non-trump, so it doesn’t matter



I wonder if the same folks who four years ago were concern-trolling about Trump slowly walking down a ramp will chime in here.

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ha right! they went into high gear for weeks over that. Democrats, media (but i repeat myself) kimmel-crowd, bozos here…

shows you what they are all about


What a terrible thing to say about Republicans. I’m appalled. :wink::rofl:

that’s weak bro. it’s just a meme. chill.

save your powder for the rig. youre gonna have to pretend everything’s legit!


Silly Lib … Not our President. :stuck_out_tongue:


DJT has never lost a rigged election. He lost the most audited and scrutinized election ever.

oh, I know pull the string “no fraud found!“

except 2016.

go ahead, be a human caricature of leftist narratives

you know I can’t wait because if Trump were actually to beat the rig, CNN MSNBC Jimmy Kimmel, the view and everything else you depend on for what you believe in the universe will tell you that it was all rigged, but you won’t even realize how idiotically hypocritical that is

Hillary ran a terrible campaign and Comey didn’t help. Trump won and I saw it coming.

yeah, but she went around the world and still does go around the world and on her sore-ass comfort butt pat little talk shows and complains that he is the “illegitimate president” and oh you believe that without even thinking



Trump was the “populist “elected president in 2016 yet Hillary was the “popular“ person in all the media. hmmmm. How is that possible?

oh, it’s OK. Don’t answer. I’ll live with the mystery too

anyway, get a load of this

Lowest approval of any modern president

But what do you care? It’s not Trump, huh?

time for Gavin yet? Nah?

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5 months out from the election and biden has nothing to offer but for his lawfare.

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Student loan bait and switch too!


If they’re given something specificaly for their vote…OF COURSE !’s a bribe.


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