Biden Announces Re-election Bid

Let’s Go Brandon

MAGA 2024.


“The next president, they’re going to be able to appoint a couple justices, and I’ll be damned — if in fact we’re able to change some of the justices when they retire and put in really progressive judges like we’ve always had, tell me that won’t change your life,” Biden told his audience. “

Yes. Yes, I suppose it will.

Trump 2024, felon or not.


this is another reason trump “winning” is absolutely


rogue courts in deep blue cities with made up crimes will only be the beginning


Six point lead for Biden in a state he won by 23 in 2020.

What I noticed was that biden did not say I will nominate a fair and impartial justice who make rulings by the constitution.
With all the democrats saying no matter who seats a judge that they are able to be impartial biden just proved them wrong. And proved many people right that there is no way to get a fair trial anymore in the United States.

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Then vote for the convicted felon :grinning:.

I loved seeing Melania standing by her man during the trial and especially today. :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

What will the verdict do to that? We should know in a month.

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I’d expect a modest bump for Biden in about seven - ten days. Or not. :man_shrugging:

We all did. :wink:

You go right ahead and vote for a pervert who showers with his daughter. The payback will come. Are you going to whine and cry again like you did when old harry cheated and the pay back came?


You sure do like to dwell on the topic ov showering with kids. Not sure why you even bought it up. But hey post whatever you want.

But at least you stop touting how much Melania and Trump are in love :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

Junior Prosecutor Fat Alvin Bragg will recommend to Chief Prosecutor Juan Merchan to throw Trump in jail and he will.

It is all because the lunatics on the left believe Trump denied Crooked Hillary the honor of president in 2016.

Election Deniers and TDS afflicted liberals are massing in DC.

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Mitt, whom i normally do not agree with said this about the trial:

" Bragg may have won the battle, for now, but he may have lost the political war," he warned. “Democrats think they can put out the Trump fire with oxygen. It’s political malpractice.”


Romney is 100 percent correct. Can something be both political and appropriate?

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How bout [quote=“Bosun, post:3461, topic:244699”]Junior Prosecutor Fat Alvin Bragg and Chief Prosecutor Juan Merchan?

Perfection. Inch deep.

So political. Def. Appropriate?

Political and not appropriate election denier show trial


There’s a pair that should be disbarred at a minimum.

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