Biden Announces Re-election Bid

One… it would be very hard to get an illegal in on a Union Shop since they have labor oversight and two if they were brought in they would be working under the Union contract so they wouldn’t be receiving a lower wage.

Or 3, the job goes to non-union providers.

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Biden approval rating mired at historic low: Gallup

Brother @WuWei had a much better choice that the rationalization choices you presnted.

Newcomers who are illegal should be deported.

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Well I think that owners of companies who knowingly hire illegal aliens should have their assets seized and be thrown in jail…. Others don’t like that.

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why you guys waiting so long to flip the polls?

it has to look real.

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I have tried to have this discussion a number of times on this forum but for some reason, businesses employing illegals seem to get a free pass from conservatives.

That’s what the 1986 agreement said but our corrupt politicians didn’t continue to follow through. I’d give all business a 6 month notice and then I agree one zillion percent. No mon, no fun…they’re on the run.

BULL ■■■■ . It infuriates this conservative and I’ve said so many, Many, MANY times!

Okay not a free pass from all those on the right but many do not want to seem to discuss it or make excuses about businesses hiring illegal immigrants.

■■■■■■■■■ cons have been saying it for years. Libs always come out with"who is gonna cut your lawn, who is gonna pick your fruit, who is gonna work in the …". GOP tried closing border but libs fought it, they have a bill sitting on Schumer’s desk that they refuse to consider. GOP supports E-verify. Hell the libs just tried to ram a bill through expedites access to work.


Still ■■■■■■■■

Seizing assets!!

How CCP Cadre of you.


Or it is a just punishment for contributing to the illegal migrant crises.

You mean like the day laborers at the big box lots or the lawn service or cleaning free lancers or even the house sitter conglomerates?

Congratulations biden.

The lowest rated president ever.

Worst president in polling history.

I say, well duh.


How about we enforce immigration laws that already exist before we discuss…seizing assets!

The naked communist leaks. :rofl:

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He needs another term to punish us as the CCP wishes.

Why cant we do both?

Because we have due process.

Because we have laws in place designed for an orderly and welcoming immigration process that requires the immigrant to engage and participate in US law fully and willingly. That is not happening.

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