Biden Announces Re-election Bid

This is a bit of a different campaign approach.



She was asked if Biden had dementia and lost it. The truth hurts. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:



biden goes running to obammy.

Help me BO I am to feeble to campaign.


He has been and is right now. Joe is out of it…period.

Right on! Get they tranny vote!

Socialism is precisely the religion that must overwhelm Christianity.
Tony Gramsci

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Nothing says Easter like banning religious symbols or content.

The flyer for the contest states that an Easter egg design submission “must not include any questionable content, religious symbols, overtly religious themes, or partisan political statements.”


I heard the clip on the radio. She clearly has a short fuse.


it’s been like that for 45 years.

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Has it been Tranny Visibility Day for 45 years?

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trans visibility day is always on March 31. March 31st just happens to be easter this year.

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Well that’s good to know. It’s important for trannys to be visible.

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“As part of the White House Easter traditions, America’s Egg Farmers - for nearly 50 years - have proudly presented an intricately decorated Commemorative Easter Egg to the First Lady of the United States,” the flier explained. “In 2021, the White House expanded on this longstanding tradition by displaying youth-designed Easter eggs in the White House East Colonnade,”

They expanded to the children providing these submissions in 2021. This is part of how the Biden’s are doing the activities.

Every admin does their own thing. Bush did not have an art contest that I can see. Plenty of avtivites etc however. Obama’s did poster contests for example. The rules were quite simple.

If they have banned religion for 45 years in any art contest or submissions for 45 years prove it.

The Easter celebration at the White House falls under the non partisan guidelines that have been in place for 45 years.

To top this crap show biden declares sunday to be tranny day. Sick bunch of ■■■■■■■■

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trans visibility day has always been on March 31. March 31st just happens to be Easter this year. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Especially during an election year. Trannys just love being pandered to for a vote :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Such a cop out. :rofl:

you might not like it, but it’s true.


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