Biden and Dems are still Hiding their Supreme Court Picks Why?

Nor supreme court picks.

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Hmmm…so the administration reached a successful conclusion by properly delegating a job. Isn’t that a good thing?

Makes one think…Whos running the White House, the POTUS or the Federalist Society? What else are they in control of?

Merrick Garland

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What pipeline do the dems use?

They are in control of nothing. Every President has to rely on experts. Do you think Obama was familiar with everyone he nominated to a judicial position?


I would say much more so than Trump, seeing how Obama was a lawyer and in that loop…I’d be willing to wager that before he ran for POTUS, Trump wouldn’t have been able to name all 9 justices. And it wouldn’t be a long shot to say, that he didn’t even know how many justices were on the bench.

Schumer said, God Willing if We Win everything is on the Table. We will have The Court Packing. The dems have a plan to end Filibuster among court packing with problary leftist judges.

This would only happen if Blue wins House/Senate/WH they will have everything on the table this is coming Schumer and among other dems who said something similar the past few weeks.

But according to some here nah everything will be fine and back to normal right? what normacly? the one where dems are packing their leftist judges packing the courts over moderate judges?
Schumer: If Dems Win, Abolishing Filibuster & Court Packing, “Everything Is On The Table”

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And Harris is a supposed former cop that somehow defends Jacob Blake as a hero i supposed i am sure she has become qutie a good pick for Biden and the democrats right? for someone like Harris who encouraged people to support a bail out fund site that bailed out rioters. “Peaceful protsoters who arent able to bail out themselves once arrested”

I would consider Harris as similar as how McCain had chosen Sarah Palin.

Obama is on the list, that’s why !

Republicans, just ask yourself … would McConnell do the same thing?

Well, no, Republicans didn’t do the same thing. There was a point when they had the House, Senate and Presidency all at the same time. Did they pack the court?


Who cares? Republicans used their power to do what they wanted. Democrats can do the same. The attempt at tu quoque is laughable.

what you fantasize about is irrelevant. there is no requirement to do so.

merrick garland

silly equation. one effects the nation for generations, the other is none of anyone’s business

Well, ok then, back on topic. The reason the Dems & Biden haven’t released a list is because they don’t have one.

They don’t want independents to know who they have in mind.


That’s it. If they give their list they either alienate the far leftists who’s vote they want or give up any pretense at being middle of the road and alienating the independents.


Really? You dont think that who he is indebted to could effect his policy decisions?