Biden administraton lists the first 10 drugs that Medicare will target for price cuts

No, but it still isn’t gonna cost you anything.

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If anything it will save Medicare a good amount of money.


It’s more than a bit bonkers. But that is the state of modern conservstism: no ideas, just fear, grievance, and defiance.


I fully support the GOP running on having Medicare pay the price that Pharmaceutical companies set for themselves


Me too.

Jan 2025 the puppet is gone not ‘26. Please, the sooner the better.
Let that purge begin!


The pharmas are big Dim supporters. They’re doing that now. This latest Buck Fiden victory lap won’t see fruition if any until 2026 but to be fair, it’s a start.
By the way, The 10 drugs are: Eliquis, Enbrel, Entresto, Farxiga, Imbruvica, Januvia, Jardiance, multiple Fiasp and NovoLog insulin products, Stelara and Xarelto. Democrats hailed the announcement of the selected drugs.
I take Eliquis, Medicare doesn’t pay for it my Humana supplemental does. It’s expensive so now I’ll post this question: In 2026 will Medicare alone be paying a reduced cost for Eliquis or any of the other listed drugs? Or, will the supplemental drug coverage plans be getting the reduction?
FYI Eliquis is currently $276.00- $317.00 for a 30 day supply here locally if you shop Good Rx. I take a cholesterol med and a Beta blocker med both are $0 with supplemental coverage. Neither are on FJB’s top ten list.


You would think it would be second nature to be able to perform basic math functions, but these so-called educated libs with supposed degrees fail time after time after time to even multiply and divide single digit numbers.

Then they want you to believe them when they say they’re not scrubs in society, that they’re here for 16 hours everyday because of how hard they work. :wink:


Since Medicare will be negotiating prices downward and there will be transparency in pricing, we will see private insurers being able to negotiate better prices also.


Me? I’m literally quoting the inevitable 2024 GOP presidential nominee—he said that, not me.

That’s great. I could be on the other side with the ancestors walking those streets paved with gold in 2026 but genetics gives me odds I could be around for another 20-25 years so maybe I’ll get something.
Then again in 2026 this ■■■■ show might not be worth watching the way things are PROGressing. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Ever wonder why Asians and Indos always seem to do well in school? It’s because at home their culture demands excellence in education and their parents are fundamentally more educated than some of the ■■■■ for brains teachers in the classrooms. Asian and Indo kids solve problems before the teachers go through the made up steps to get to a resolve because their parents show them at home. I know an Eastern Indian engineer who has multiple math degrees. He is of the opinion math teachers teach a curriculum so complicated it’s no wonder students fail. His boys hang out with my 12th grade grandson and they’re doing college level honors algebra. Straight A’s LOL


I distinctly remember being able to spell my name, count to 10, and recite my ABC’s before I ever started kindergarten.

My youngest is in school now, and the teachers were fawning over how smart he is for already knowing how to spell his name, count to 10, and recite his ABC’s.



So… lowering drug costs is bad?

I’m no, why do you think that ?

Our Mom was an RN and worked 11P-7A shift forever. She slept while we were in school. I can still see the flash cards she would work while we did homework after school. Homework done and checked by Mom then flashie cards before going out to play.
“5 times one is five, five times two is ten …. “


I fully support the dems nationalizing industry.

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Is Eliquis covered by Medicare?.

Yes, they do. Do your research, change your plan.

Humana supplemental plan pays for my meds. I pay for supplemental coverage, $10.00/ month and like Plan B, taken off the top of my SS benefit.
I know how the system works thank you very much.

Il Duce did that in the 1930’s along with getting the trains on schedule. That arrangement is known as Fascism.