Biden administraton lists the first 10 drugs that Medicare will target for price cuts

Funny how quickly the “Big Pharma Sucks” mantra goes away the minute Biden does something to lessen their stranglehold on the American people.

It is fascinating to watch.


Isn’t it though?

I was in the 2nd grade in 1957-58. We could do addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. All learned with tables and memorized. We could read a newspaper and books without illustrations. We studied history and knew who the Founders were and who the current President was (Eisenhower). We pledged allegiance to the Flag every day. We wore our Cub Scout uniforms to school on special event days. We ran home after school to do homework then outside to play ball.
If you took a 7-8 y/o of today and could transport them to that past? They’d be lost.
Call it melancholy ramblings of an old fart but you know it’s true.


Correct, it’s shortages creation. Watch and wait.

Nonsense. If the price is renegotiated today, the number of people who need them would be the same tomorrow. There’s not going to be some huge rush on prescription drugs that are required by only a small portion of the population. Perscriprion drugs, by definition, are not something everybody can buy.

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Not true…

what exactly did he do?

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The government already spends billions on R&D, and when a drug shows promise, it is then handed to Pharma to continue its development. W/out government funding of R&D across many industries, many of the new technologies would be delayed or just never developed.

Companies cannot afford to spend billions on long shots…the US government can, and the ROI can be huge. Which helps everybody.

This has been going on for quite a long time.


Crispr… which is probably one of the most significant technologies developed in the 21st century… was developed from basic research on E.Coli in the 80’s studying phosphate metabolism.

The research was not done with an end goal in mind but the discovery is being used to directly code genetic sequencing.

No company is going to make an investment in studying phosphate metabolism of E.Coli just because.


Go even further back: the Human Genome Project-one of the highest impact scientific endeavors in human history-was government funded. And now, genetic testing is an enormous chunk of the medical sector


Of course, none of this aligns with the mantra from the right that the government cannot do anything good or productive. People actually believed the BS of the 9 words that scared Reagan.

That’s not how it works.

Atlas Shrugged is about to go live as a musical opening off Broadway.


That is exactly how it works.

Your data sucks.

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Odd how these same drugs cost much less in other countries.

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Nah, it’s not. But you go now!

To each according to his needs. From each according to his means.

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Bidens lapdogs are just itching to voice their accolades for their dear leader. He falls going up stairs, mumbles rhetoric, shakes hands with nobody there. Bidens lapdog minions are shrieking in desperation.


Brandon destroys everything he touches.

Ukraine wishes they never saw him.

Good news here is Biden is not at all likely to be President in 2026. So much hype for nothing.

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Put trumps 4 years next to bidens and its no wonder they would jail their opposition.
Heck just look at gas prices then vs now. People will vote against biden because of their wallet.
Its hard to make jimmy carter look good as president but i believe biden may have succeeded.

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