Biden administraton lists the first 10 drugs that Medicare will target for price cuts

That’s the spirit!

I’ll make a prediction right now.

Those 10 drugs will be in short supply by 2028.

Last time price controls was tried, it resulted in shortages, and it will again.

Learn from Nixon.


It shouldn’t have been wtitten into the legislation in the first place. And Biden voted against it.

Again, every other payer can negotiate drug prices. Why should Medicare be the only payer who can’t?

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That is less true today. NIH and government fund a lot of key research so political talking heads can brag about it…like Biden curing cancer.

Government created the monopoly in the first place.

All they are doing is talking.

Brandon is spiking the ball early. He tends to ruin everything he touches.

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Price controls were tried in the 1970’s during the Nixon administration, and it ended in disaster.

Watch and learn. Bookmark this thread and revisit it in 2028 when said drugs are in short supply.

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Big Pharma will still make billions off of these drugs. What will be different is that the pricing structure will be transparent instead of a secret. Since the price for what Medicare is paying will be publicly known, the private insurance companies can also negotiate drug prices with the knowledge of what the largest purchaser is paying.

This will likely bring down costs for everyone.

They are still going to make billions off of these 10 drugs alone.

2026 is three years out according to my 2nd grade math. “Got done”?

They did. Created the Wu-Franken-Flu then enriched (even more) Pfizer and Moderna with the clot jab.


Told another lie. As one poster pointed out, the pharmaceutical manufacturers having the returns on cost for these “10 drugs” diminished have choices.
They can move operations to somewhere less costly ( offshore). Source out cheaper raw materials, product quality and safety suffers. Produce less by cutting production times (shortages). Or drop the product all together.
As much as I have no sympathy for the pharmaceutical companies who are big players with political power and influence, the goobermint involving themselves into a financial directive?
This goes sideways.

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It is legislation that got passed by Congress and is being enacted now.

So no longer will the Big Pharma companies simply dictate the price to the Government which cost the Taxpayer extra billions, but Medicare will be able to negotiate a price.

This is a win for the American people.

very good point

democrats chase things offshore again.

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If Biden had been in power for a few decades none of us would be able to afford much of anything due to tremendous inflation rates.

We probably would be Venezuela already as well.

Correct. Thank you for paying attention to elementary school math when you were a kid. There are college “educated” people who can’t even perform these basic functions, and they’re allowed to vote. :rofl:

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I’ll just watch. These pill poppers can learn (they won’t though). :rofl:

Yup, ‘Ol Folksy Joe’s career has been a hallmark all righty.
Just a few stellar moments:


The pattern is Trump talked a lot about healthcare, drug prices, infrastructure, etc and accomplished very little.

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no deal was reached with pharms but he didnt force anything and there weren’t lawsuits

let’s see how Biden does. at least trump signed exec orders (during covid)

woops. hasnt even done anything yet and already there are lawsuits. all he did was talk and look at the lawsuits fly

arent you proud. dont ever lose hope with democrats


This isn’t price control.

:rofl: Of course it is.

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