Biden administration hails a bold initiative to cut global warming emissions

I looks like a looming Republican victory in the mid-terms is a national emergency of the highest order:

Massive increases in energy prices are the plan. Just make sure price spikes occur after the election.



Several sources I found say that least a portion of that oil would have come back to America. Even politifact.

“ I’ve opposed the Keystone strategy for a long time because it is an export strategy," Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-NY, told the Press-Republican newspaper in Plattsburgh. “It doesn’t even have any oil for America to make our gas prices cheaper.”

“It’s literally oil from Canada taken through America, so we take all the risks of any kind of spill or any kind of problem, and then it exports it to Mexico and then straight to China or other places,” she said.

PolitiFact rated a similar claim from then-President Obama Mostly False in 2014. We checked with a few experts to see if anything has changed.”

The oil from Canada would have flowed thru Keystone, providing American jobs and tax revenue…ended up in Mexico where the refineries are better equipped to handle that heavier crude…one source I read says that oil would have gone to Canada, England and France. And a third to a half would have come back here.

There were reasons Keystone was considered a good idea when it was approved. Those reasons still exist today.

Sadly our president saw fit to insert his and the greenies judgement in canceling the project, wasting all the resources the people building had put into the project, unemploying a few thousand people, sending a signal that your corporate investments are not safe from our government…

The first of many America last decisions this idiot administration has made.

My issue with small cars is not that I can’t get comfortable in it, first I have to GET in one. With my knees I have a hard time getting in and out of my Taurus sometimes. Have had 2 knee replacements and will need another in a few years. They don’t bend like they used to…lol

So sorry you had to go thru that!!!
That would be my concern as well, evacuation, gridlock, then finding a place to charge that isn’t backed up forever.

Side note, my daughter and her wife live in Jacksonville and my daughter who is Navy just left port before Ian hit. Thankfully it didn’t slam them as bad up there. My kids were in Pt. Charlotte when Charlie hit, that was a strong but very compact storm so the damage was much less widespread. My son lives in Tampa and is a photojournalist with the Fox Affiliate and he came down after the storm and posted some of the images, heaetbreaking.


Might want to look at a map.

You had better talk to Biden about your concern for using fuel in America first. His position is to ship every bit of energy we possibly can, especially LNG, to Europe to make up for the lack of energy from Russia.

I wonder, hey @Auto129, do you drive an electric vehicle charged by either a home windmill or solar panels?

Is your home powered by either of the above, heating is via electricity provided by the above?

Grow your own food, etc.

Or are you just bloviating because this is a leftist wet dream??


I don’t have specific quantities. I based my statement on one of the articles in the thread about the sabotaged pipeline that said the administration intended to send Europe as much LNG as we could possibly afford.

Someone sure does stink. :rofl:

I love how the media posts pictures of water vapor when they are writing about air pollution. :wink:


:joy: :joy: :rofl:

The global circus, as you call it, is where we get our oil even if it originates from our ground. Even the oil that Biden took from the strategic petroleum reserve (they really ought to come up with another name for that now that Brandon demonstrated that it has nothing to do with national strategy) went to the global market.

Which is it? Those guys made obscene profits, or they lost their shirts? You guys can’t have it both ways.

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much of the industry was not making money even when prices were substantially higher. “To the contrary, since the inception of the fracking boom, oil and gas companies have had to return repeatedly to debt and equity markets for infusions of capital to keep their operations running and their oil and gas flowing,” the IEEFA analysts wrote.

Article is dated 2019 when low gas prices were annihilating them. That bust, and covid, caused the high gas prices and obscene profits that are a problem today.

Can’t have it both ways? This the documented reality. If you have an issue with the absurd volatility inherent in fossil fuel markets, then you’re in accord with investors who aren’t so eager to play anymore.

Strategic reserve is being used for it’s intended purpose. Can’t get more strategic than folding what’s left of our paper tiger cold-war adversary.

American private producers don’t have an exuse for neglecting American inventories to the extent that they have. What would have been so hard about keeping back some exports to make sure we were stocked up for hurricane season and winter?

Exxon is “pushing back” against the idea of reducing U.S. fuel exports, telling President Biden’s Energy Department this week that such actions would lead to continued volatility in oil prices globally, and at the pump domestically, according to a new report by the Wall Street Journal. Exxon said that “the oil industry should not slow fuel shipments in favor of putting more in storage tanks”, the Journal report says.

If someone is going to say something like this to the American public, he shouldn’t be surprised when public resources aren’t so readily leased to him later. That’s definitely clown behavior.

Cooperation goes both ways. Sell the leases to a producer who remembers where they live first.

Sounds like a great off-grid setup, rather than a leftist dream.

Biden administration has repeatedly asked exporters to chill out. Not even to stop exports entirely, just chill out a little bit so American inventories can get squared away before winter or hurricane season.

After that, nobody would have a problem if the industry exported enough to put all of Europe on their back.

Let’s pretend shipping LNG to Europe doesn’t involve the Biden administration.

Amid calls by consumer and manufacturing advocates for Biden to cut sales of LNG to Europe, the Biden administration is refusing citing the need to help Europe through this crisis.
So…if your heating bill goes up this winter…

So the answer is no, I would say I was shocked but, nah not at all. Typical leftist…do as I say, not as I do

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I dunno
I look at current US LNG shipments to Europe and I think
somebody made a miscalculation. Europe has more tankers of LNG sitting offshore than it can unload right now

The problem could have been anywhere, but given the repeated arrogance of the Biden probably they said “I don’t need to check the facts. My political ideology is always right and my political ideology tells me Europe needs us to send them LNG, so dammit I’m going to send them LNG.”

It is possible the private sector shipped LNG without checking for buyers, but generally, that is not the kind of mistake the private sector makes.