Biden administration hails a bold initiative to cut global warming emissions

There was no cheap to produce oil in the US in 2019.

Wrong on both counts.



So we can’t get food from the farm…we can still get it at the grocery store.

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What a great find. Dumb and Dumber with a Brit accent! :rofl:

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Without farms . . . they’re gonna run out of tomato soup the throw.

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I’m not pointing to anything in particular but here in the US

The dumbing down of the American students is getting dumber?

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But hey…lefties are teaching crt and selective pronouns so it’s all good.


That is seriously how some of these nitwits think.

There are also the no oil idjits who are too dumb to realize everything they are wearing and using is made with the help of oil.

Time to change the bar for passing again, too many kids are failing.

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Government actions by D politicians are flawless in the mind of forum libs.


Only when those in government who are implementing the actions are Ds.

Of course Rs are no better than Ds in that regard.


Is there ever a time when these policies fail that they blame government?

The SPR contains refined products, not just crude oil, and diesel reserves are down to very low levels. Diesel prices are already high, and expect them to increase once SPR withdrawals end after the mid-terms.

The US imports diesel fuel, and much of it came from Russia before the sanctions. Fuel prices are not just about crude oil, refinery capacity is problem as well. Biden’s policies have caused refineries to shut down, even as the sanctions war has been reducing access to foreign diesel. Here is a report from April:

. . . government pressure to wean the country off of fossil fuels has made business difficult, with Flynn arguing that “refineries are getting squeezed out of business because of stricter regulations from the Biden administration and the pressure by the government” to “reduce demand for gasoline.”
American oil refineries shutter amid Biden's hostile fossil fuel policies, adding to pain at the pump: expert | Fox Business

Higher diesel prices and spot shortages will increase the cost of virtually everything since virtually everything is transported on diesel-powered trucks.

Diesel doesn’t just power these things, it powers the rigs and FRAC equipment that gets the oil and gas out of the ground. A rig can easily consume 7000+ gals of diesel a day. Fracs can consume 5000 gals of diesel every 3 hours. It takes energy to extract energy.

If they could get their way then fast forward through time only to realize that the climate will change anyway I wonder what their opinion would be today.

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Yes, diesel is also used for most agricultural equipment. The energy crisis is helping to create a food shortage.

The sanctions war in Europe has already shut down two thirds of European fertilizer production, which is contributing to a world-wide fertilizer shortage. That is coming at the same time as severe droughts have cut crop yields in much of the US, China, and Europe.

The lack natural gas to make fertilizer and the lack of diesel fuel could kill millions around the world.

Diesel powers this country …

If you want to eat you’d better have access to diesel…

“Diesel engines power about 75% of all farm equipment, transport 90% of farm products, and pump about 20% of agriculture’s irrigation water in the United States. Ninety-six percent of the large trucks that move agricultural commodities to railheads and warehouses are powered by a diesel engine. Diesel powers 100% of the freight locomotives and inland barge and towboat marine vessels that transport bulk harvested crops such as corn and grain to processing facilities.

In the agricultural sector, there is no cost-effective substitute for diesel engines with the same combination of energy efficiency, power, and performance. Diesel dominates the entire “farm supply chain” - planting the product, tending the crop (watering, fertilizers, and pesticides), harvesting the product, and bringing the product to market. That happens by truck, rail or ship. Farm tractors, combines, irrigation pumps and other equipment are essential tools in an industry vital to our national economy and quality of life.“. Agriculture | Engine Technology Forum


Covid was here and happening well before your “idiot-in-chief” took office and reversed every policy that was keeping this country out of this mess he’s created.

He/y’all were warned. The hell with the consequences, full speed ahead just to RAM the ■■■■■■■■ progressive policy’s through.


What about Covid, aside from Covid, racism, and the climate lie providing a set of pillars for liberals lies?

The America Petroleum Institute has offered a 10 point plan to restore America to energy dominance…

“ 10 in 2022: Ten Policies to Unleash American Energy and Fuel Recovery…”. API | News, Policy & Issues

Since no one in the Biden administration seems to have a clue what he or she is doing…maybe they should consider listening to these people who actually do energy for a living.