Biden admin sues AZ over easement on AZ's real property

SEE: Biden admin sues Arizona over border wall made of shipping containers

The FEDERAL COMPLAINT alleges that Arizona’s installation of shipping containers on lands within the Cocopah Indian Reservation over which the United States holds an easement unlawfully interferes with and encroaches on that easement.

The problem with the complaint is, the alleged “easement” is on AZ’s real property, and thus, the federal government __ in a legitimate use of the land under a valid easement __ is required to observe the State’s general welfare over the easement in question.

In the case under consideration, the federal government in its use of the asserted “easement” is derelict in its duties by allowing millions of foreign nationals to use the “easement” to invade the State of AZ and inflict a long list of devastating consequences upon the good citizens of AZ including multiple homicides.

Additionally, each state has the inherit authority to protect against invasions:

“No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.

The ongoing invasion has proved to be destructive to the general welfare of AZ and its Citizens, and the federal government is engaging in malfeasance, misfeasance and nonfeasance in its stewardship over the easement in question.


Is the “big guy” (Joey open-border Biden) getting 10% of the profits Mexico’s government is getting for assisting Mexico’s cartels in their drug and human trafficking across our border?

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the sheriff of santa cruz county says the land IS federal land…and he will arrest anyone trying to add to the wall

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My goodness. If the land in question is “federal land” as stated by the Sheriff, then he has no authority over the matter. But the fact is, the federal government asserts an “easement” over the land in question.

as the sheriff stated
“It’s not state land, it’s not private land, and the federal government has said this [is] illegal activity. So just the way if I saw somebody doing an assault or a homicide or a vehicle theft on public land within my county, I would charge that person with a crime.”

in addition when the new governor takes office in a couple weeks shes going to remove teh containers anyway so its just the state pissing away money


It’s just liberals pissing away money.


As usual, the left fights against America and for foreign interests.



It’s a civil issue, hence the lawsuit.

The Sherriff is wrong.

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Both of the links you provided clearly state that the Federal Government owns the land. There is no mention of any easements.

You are in error . . . as usual!

You’re mistaken. The land in question is the property of a separate sovereign entity, the Tribe, which is held in trust by the Federal government. The Federal government has an easement over the tribal land because it is adjacent to the national border. The Federal government therefore has a right to control the land and to protect its easement. The State of Arizona, on the other hand, has no right of access on the land. However, the County Sheriff has a statutory power to enforce law breaking on tribal land by non-tribe members.

However, as elsewhere stated, this will only persist for another few weeks until the new Governor either consents to the removal of the barriers by the Feds, or orders them removed by the State.

Thank you for your opinions.

It looks like the containers are being placed in gaps or along the line where a fence is, or was intended to go. Why was the Federal government not concerned about an “easement” when the original fence was partially completed or intended? Could it be that Libs are really showing their utter disregard for America and the lives of it’s citizens, and are taking advantage of their temporary monopoly of power to abuse Americans to further their agenda? With millions of illegals storming our border, and over a million admitted getaways, with over 100 thousand fentanyl deaths a year from cartels smuggling drugs across our border, with thousands of property owners along the border who’s ranches are being vandalized and ranchers assaulted, with thousands of illegals dying trying to get here, with all the human trafficking going on and innocent Americans being victimized by illegals committing crimes, with all the border towns overrun and unable to deal with the number of illegals, why else would the federal government fight to keep the illegals streaming across our border unhindered? Maybe the plan is to bring in millions of illegals with the intent for a blanket amnesty and an expedited path to citizenship just in time for the 2024 election :thinking:? Nah, Libs LOVE America…

Yeah right.


  1. if the federal govt has the “right to control and protect its easement”, maybe they should do so.

  2. the county sheriff having statutory powers to enforce the law on tribal lands should maybe do so by arresting illegal border jumpers.


And not harass American citizens looking to protect themselves against an ongoing invasion of their border by millions upon millions of poverty-stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled, and criminal foreign nationals.


Is the “big guy” (Joey open-border Biden) getting 10% of the profits Mexico’s government is getting for assisting Mexico’s cartels in their drug and human trafficking across our border?

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Thank you for your smugness. In fact, everything I stated is a fact that is easily verifiable if you took the time to learn something about the subject matter upon which you are speaking. The ownership of land, the nature of Federal-Tribal relations and the separate sovereignty of tribes, and the powers of local authorities are well established. The letter has been recently reviewed by the Supreme Court, which I know you are fond of quoting. The fact that you don’t approve of how the local and federal authorities choose to use that authority is quite beside the point. The simple fact is that a State government has no authority for law enforcement in “Indian country” and can’t Willy-hilly start erecting a barricade on land it has no ownership, control or authority over.


Once again, thank you for your opinions.

“No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.

How sweet of you to ignore the federal governments malfeasance, misfeasance and nonfeasance in its stewardship over the easement in question, and that is in addition to ignoring the constitutional mandate that The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion;

Once Title 42 has expired, the Sheriff that said he would charge lawbreakers on public land in his county will be so ■■■■■■■ busy chasing down illegal invaders committing crimes he won’t give a rats ass about those containers.

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I doubt it. The fat slob will be too busy devouring as many doughnuts as he can. That’s more important to the un-American creep.

Gotta luv the America Last agenda of these clowns.


America Last!

The piece of crap in the WH will not do his job and will not allow anyone else to do it for him either!