Biden admin sues AZ over easement on AZ's real property

The disgusting Joe Biden wants to let millions of people who should not be here into the country. This is beyond incompetence this is intentional.


Once the containers are all lined up protecting the rest of Arizona, this sheriff can then deal with all of the illegal aliens that were pouring across the border elsewhere, that will now come through his county. Then his voting constituents can deal with him.

Let us not forget a significant number of “Republicans” in Congress are in bed with those “clowns”.


There is no “humanitarian crisis” at our southern border as erroneously reported on Fox News. It is an outright invasion of the United States, intentionally orchestrated and perpetuated by the leadership of our tyrannical federal government which includes traitorous, judges, legislators, and our current president of the United States.

When it comes to protecting our border from illegal entry by foreign nationals, and considering how profitable human trafficking has become, especially to Mexico’s cartels, it seems quite clear that the “Big Guy” has chosen a cut of the action over the general welfare of the United States and her citizens.


There is no “humanitarian crisis” at our southern border as erroneously reported on Fox News. It is an outright invasion of the United States, intentionally orchestrated and perpetuated by the leadership of our tyrannical federal government which includes traitorous, judges, legislators, and our current president of the United States.

This shouldn’t be a discussion about the authority of the sheriff or who owns the lands or what rights the state has to protect its citizens.
This should be a discussion about why the Biden administration is not enforcing our immigration laws and protecting our borders and our citizens.
That is the real question.


These are the words of candidate Biden during a rare moment when he stuck his head out if his basement.

“We could afford to take in a heartbeat another two million people [per year]. The idea that a country of 330 million people is cannot absorb people who are in desperate need … is absolutely bizarre.”

The garbage public policy we are all currently living with on the border is intentional…

The Biden crime family wants to overrun the country with illegals…


Wants to? He is!

Biden is using his office of public trust to encourage and assist millions upon millions of foreign nationals to enter the interior of our country in violation of our laws and which threatens the general welfare of the United States and her citizens.


There is no surer way to weaken, subdue and bring to its knees a prosperous and freedom loving country than by flooding it with deadly drugs, an inflated currency and the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled, and criminal populations of other countries

Seems to be a trend all the crazies seem to be sueing AZ I mean first that Lake person and now Biden

When the Xiden admin says, " The border is secure," they mean “We, the Xiden admin, have secured the border under our control so that we can do there exactly what China wants us to do… let illegals, drugs snd human stock in.”

Plugging holes in the border undermines their securing of the border for China’s purposes.

There’s this from Texas. The state will continue building a border wall on private property with the agreement of the property owners.


And the people who suffer the most devastating consequences from Biden’s assisted invasion of our border by millions upon millions of poverty-stricken foreign nationals are American citizens who live in our nation’s inner cities and whose emergency rooms, schools, and public housing is being taken over by these illegal entrant foreign nationals.

The question is, why do our nation’s needy citizens continue to elect and re-elect a Democrat Leadership which inflicts this misery upon them?


Why is the Democrat Party Leadership filling scarce public housing with illegal aliens when America’s needy Citizens, including U.S. Military Veterans, are going homeless?

Democrat administrations’ use of media unrelentingly to propagandise US citizens by painting republicans devils and democrats saviours.

But Biden can do the same with media blessing.

This and election interference to suppress the conservative election day vote and to maximise counted democrat ballot numbers.

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Good for TX! :clap: :clap: :clap:


Get a grip. Biden’s reality is that inviting drag queens to the WH is much ore important than protecting our border and securing the safety of our citizens.

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Just shows how Amoral the current WH residents are.


I truly question if they have a relationship with The Lord? There should be no hate for these same sex couples searching for their personal happiness but their ignorance of The Light…keeps them in the dark…including all that now think this is a “marriage”.

Some in the WH (biden for example) seem to be closer to the Lord’s chief adversary than the Lord.