Bernie's workers want $15 an hour

No ■■■■ that has been my point the whole time. I actually said it here
" The wage does not change do too hours" That is salary. You finally get it congratulations.

Now link to where their hours have been cut.



Refresh everyone’s memory, what job outside of politics has the Bern ever had?
And just how has he amassed so much wealth?

Bernie the hypocrite piece of dung failed.

So admitting you were wrong this whole time. Good for you.

Notice none of his lib friends have came out. :wink:


So contractual agreements are bound by law. IF the law in the state allows for it then the unionized Walmart workers (hahahahaha) can enter into any agreement they wish

So people deserve $15 an hour except for some people, like those who work for Bernie (at least until it hits the press).

:man_facepalming: this is one of the dumbest threads I’ve seen in awhile

No one said that but sure run with that

Fine. You are free to take that position. Was Bernies position that people need a living wage of $15 an hour? What exceptions did he propose?

The Animal Farm exception. - “All pigs are equal, but some pigs are more equal than others”

I don’t care. Bernie is a populist. No better than the President.

You guys are having a problem with understanding the problem. Bernie can promise a minimum wage, workers are free to negotiate themselves out of that wage… they should be free to unionize and negotiate but you guys call that socialism and corruption.

What do you mean “free to…”? Who’s stopping them?

Usually The employer but in this case nobody. They unionized and negotiated

Who did? Are you still talking about Walmart?

How does the employer stop them?

i love when posters embarrass themselves by declaring “thread fail” lol. never gets old

is the demand for 15 an hour or not?

According to this article dated July 19

“The two sides reportedly have been negotiating since May without reaching agreement”

Not sure what the hold up. Just pay whatever they want. Geeze