Behold the power of The Hogg!

So he wasn’t there? Is that your contention?

someone didn’t shoot up his high school?

There is no protected right to lie, slander, or defame others.

Sue him in court.
till then he has every right to speak.

So do we…

Never claimed otherwise.

But you claimed that he is where obviously he’s not, he’s lying and defaming others.

Your allowed to lie it isn’t illegal
if have to prove he is defaming you in court till then he is free to speak his ■■■■■■■■ till the sun explodes.

case in point Alex Jones.

Defamatory lies are not protected speech.

Key word Defamatory.
lying is protected speech lying for the purpose of defaming someone isn’t

You need to prove defamation in court till then it is protected speech.

many people become millionaires lying.
case in point Alex Jones

His lies are defamatory by definition. Shall I break out the dictionary for you or have you finally gotten one of your own.

No, it isn’t protected speech no matter how many times you parrot yourself claiming the contrary.

You don’t get to define what is and isn’t defamatory.
Your not a U.S Judge.

If you think he is defaming the NRA.
then the NRA should sue him.

I don’t have to define it, the dictionary already has. Once again, do I need to look it up and post it for you or have you finally learned to use one for yourself?

legal definition are not the same as dictionary definition.

making false statement to defame someone is a minor civil statue, you need to prove it in court till then its protected speech.

That is why Alex Jones is free to say The Parkland shooting was a false-flag.

Folks just haven’t figured out when to take him literally and when to take him seriously.

Don’t worry, you’ll calm down with all that “defamation” and “slander” talk once you’ve figured it out.

Jiminy Christmas have you never heard of a damned legal dictionary?

Defamation is a legal term that refers to any statement made by a person, whether verbal or printed, that causes harm to another person’s reputation or character. A defamatory statement made in writing, or “published,” it is considered “libel,” a defamatory statement that is spoken is considered “slander.” Defamation is not considered a criminal act, but a civil wrong. As the Constitution of the United States promises its citizens freedom of speech, there is often a fine line between exercising that right and making defamatory statements that harm another person. To explore this concept, consider the following defamation definition.

Definition of Defamation
Noun. A spoken or published statement that harms the reputation of a person.
Noun. False statements that unjustifiably injure the good reputation of another person or entity.
Origin: 1275-1325 Middle English diffamacioun

now what is the next step in the legal process?
proving your case before a Judge

till then your simply making an accusation, since your not a Judge you can’t tell someone their speech isn’t protected and issue a punishment for their statement.

No, You can’t collect on a defamation suit until you put it before a judge who then decides if it meets the legal defamation definition and criteria.

If it isn’t defamatory at the time it was spoken you cannot win.

so a Judge decides if a statement is defamatory or not.
You are accusing him of making defamatory statement
till a judge rules on the case his statement are protected speech.

case in point Alex Jones.

If you want to shut him up.
Sue him for defamation till then he will keep talking which is his right.

This 17 yr old kid is schooling and draining the trump swamp all by himself. Reason why trump huggers are outraged and want to shut down his ability to speak. Kudos to you kid, keep it up!