Be fearful of the Democrat Leadership’s mob rule democracy

Fear. One of the strongest emotions.

Who or what is MbS?

Muhammad bin Salman.

Inserts picture of men and women screaming at Hazel Massery. Not a mob?

A rabble bent on destruction operating on pure emotion and uncontrollable by any semblance of leadership.


You don’t think our socialist democrats would pack the court, like Roosevelt wanted to, if they gained political power?


They are not “liberals”. They are part of a Fifth Column movement which has no intention to adhere to our written Constitution and its documented legislative intent which gives context to its text.

Obama has more than ample opportunity to do so. Two years in fact.

but they buy our stuff.


i like my mobs to be peaceful…

You mean like this?

We can’t do that until we have at least had a proper discussion of the 1st through the 4th column which to date has never been done. And if life has taught us anything skipping over steps almost never results in good things happening.

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Mexicans and Canadians don’t have the same 2nd Amendment as we do, they are Americans too.

The title of this post uses the “m” word. I’m triggered. Haha!

How can they “pack the court”?

Senate approves of judges. Senate is controlled by Trump Republicans. Plus there are 9 seats on SC, and right now its full.

Lock her up

Those Trump supporters are being peaceful in the screen shots you posted.

Well they aren’t slapping a car or knocking on a door…

True, my apologies for generally accepted usage. I will strive to be more accurate in the future and thank you for your correction.

Everyone knew what you meant, I just wanted to mess with you a little :slight_smile:

You know whats really funny when people refer to or they refer to themselves as Mexican-Americans.