Be fearful of the Democrat Leadership’s mob rule democracy

Being fearful is all that stands between us and the Libpocalypse.

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He makes lots of odd, different movements when he speaks.

In fact if you freeze frame just right, they can be made to look like anything.

But let’s leave that to the “journalists.” lol




Hmmm. You apparently did not read the OP, especially that part recalling when FDR was in power, and wanted to use that power to pack the Supreme Court with socialists.


The unavoidable truth is, Andrew Gillum and the Democrat Leadership’s socialist plan for “free” college tuition will be paid for by taxing millions of college graduates who worked for and paid their own way through college and are now trying to finance their own economic needs

Conan already did this thread…it was just as stupid


The sixth column is a dark, shadowy level of the Deep State such that even most of the deep state lib mob is unaware of its presence.

Of course, the mere mention of them alerts them to YOUR presence. I’d sleep with foil on your head tonight, if I were you.

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I’ve mentioned it a few times in posts, but John never seems to have a grasp on how dangerous the 6th column really is.


It must have been dangerous to have wiped out columns 1 - 4 before we had a chance to hear about them.

I think the 3rd and 4th columns were done in a half-ass fashion and died a quiet death. 2nd column was just like Rocky 5, a lot of hype, but was just really bad and most were embarrrassed to admit they watched it.


I’d like to get around to the sixth column. Rumors abound that johnwk is preparing a book on the sixth column. I’ve love to read an excerpt.

And I hope that it is really, really long, with lots of italics and bold included.

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It’s amazing that a few right wing entertainers push this mob ■■■■■■■■ and everybody jumps on it.How many were coming out with this nonsense before our host and Russ did.

Do the Republicans not mind looking like a bunch of frightened rabbits?

It’s amazing in its starkness how much he talks about the law and how little he understands it, but I admired his continuous, not-stopping-until-death efforts.

My favorite parts are when he quotes completely irrelevant sources and pretends that they have the importance of a Supreme Court ruling.

He never fails to impress by failing to impress.

Wives are safe.

DNC '68 Dems have always been a mob.

Well they were right.

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::sunglasses: right on!

Being demonized by the right is just the cost of doing business when you are on the left.

The cost of doing mob business?

Last I checked it was MbS cutting people up and putting them into suitcases and not the left.

How is the left like a mob?