Be cautious of those promoting capitalism, especially Pete Buttigieg

You can post individual failures of the program all you want. In the end, it made a profit. It’d be like pointing out stocks that dropped in a fund that made a 13% return. That’s just stupid.


In the end, you keep posting inaccurate claims!

Obama’s Green Energy Loans Are Still On Track To Lose Money


Former Energy Department (DOE) officials are in the media trying to save the agency’s green energy loan program from being eliminated by President-elect Donald Trump and a Republican-controlled Congress.

The article goes on to say “supporters gave a misleading picture about the success of the loan program” and the “DOE still can’t say its loan program will actually make taxpayers any money.”

“They weren’t when DOE issued that report, and they aren’t today,” Marron said. “And it’s not just me saying that.”

The article also points out the, GAO reported that the loan programs would cost taxpayers about $2 billion over their lifetimes,”


Democratic capitalists running for office will promise food on the table, free public housing, health care for all, guaranteed income, free college tuition, and other niceties by taxing the so called rich; and if by chance they ever do get political power because of such promises made, their socialist iron-fisted dependency will enslave the very fools who elected them.

That is false. Everywhere I go, I bump up against the institutions of contract enforcement, property, copyright, laws against fraud, patents, etc.

You must have lost your marbles a long time ago.

No. It was designed to remedy the failures of the Articles of Confederation.

It was widely embraced by many of the founders. It can’t be any worse than the corporatism and crony capitalism we have now.

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Thank you. Blew up the thread.

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The Federal Reserve System of 1913 and the Sixteenth Amendment, also of 1913, have provided the necessary tools to spread the evil tentacles of federal capitalism into almost every corner of our once free market, free enterprise system.

It was widely embraced by many of the founders? Our founders embraced “democratic capitalism”? The truth is, never once, to the best of my knowledge, did our founders use the word “capitalism” during the framing and ratification of our Constitution. But you are free to substantiate your claim and provide the evidence.


WTO doesn’t authorize traffis they rule on trade disputes they dont issue punishments

Umm, I didn’t say they issued them, they do however permit them as punishment under the terms of trade agreements if they find a nation has engaged in unfair subsidy.

Not quite, the tarrifs aren’t $11B. They will be on $11B of goods.

Of course, your point still stands either way you slice it. Free market for me, but not for thee.