Be cautious of those promoting capitalism, especially Pete Buttigieg

The meaning of words do matter in any productive discussion, so, what is the meaning of “capitalism”.

cap·i·tal:… wealth in the form of money or other assets owned by a person or organization or available or contributed for a particular purpose such as starting a company or investing.

ism:… a productive suffix in the formation of nouns denoting action or practice, state or condition, principles, doctrines, a usage or characteristic, devotion or adherence, etc.

To be accurate, the significant feature of capitalism is therefore the investment of capital to achieve an anticipated profit and/or goal.

By contrast, a free market or free enterprise’s primary characteristics are: people being left free to pursue their own economic interests, and with the least government intrusion, and left free to mutually agree in their contracts and associations.

In a recent interview, Presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg warned that “democratic capitalism” is “slipping away” from the U.S.

“America is a capitalist society. But it’s got to be democratic capitalism. And that part’s really important. And it’s slipping away from us. In other words, when capitalism comes into tension with democracy, which is more important to you? I believe democracy is more important,” he said.

What Buttigieg is promoting when he refers to “democratic capitalism” is, folks in government spending ___ or “investing” as they put it ___ federal revenue to advance government’s dictatorial goals. This type of capitalism gave us Obama’s green energy money laundering operation, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Enron, our student loan crisis, and many other taxpayer financed disasters.

Capitalism has also produced thieves like Bernard Madoff, countless pyramid schemes, the pillaging Trusts of the early 1900s, and destructive monopolies.

By contrast, a judiciously regulated free market, free enterprise system gave us such things as the phone, the model T Ford, mass production, the mom and pop bakery, our local plumber, carpenter, dentist and farmer.

Keep in mind our Founder’s often describe our system in a manner promoting a “free” market, “free” trade, or “free” enterprise ___ “free” being the operative word, e.g., see Thomas Jefferson’s First Annual Message to Congress: ”Agriculture, manufactures, commerce, and navigation, the four pillars of our prosperity, are the most thriving when left most free to individual enterprise.”

So, are there marked differences between capitalism and a free market, free enterprise system? And why do so many otherwise “conservative” media personalities, and those running for office refer to our system as capitalism, rather than a free market, free enterprise system ____ FREE being the operative word?


The Federal Reserve System of 1913 and the Sixteenth Amendment, also of 1913, have provided the necessary tools to spread the evil tentacles of federal crony capitalism into almost every corner of our once free market, free enterprise system.

Wait - is free market capitalism a good thing again? I hope so, because I’ve been opposing government intrusion such as tax increases via tariffs and government officials telling private companies what to do with their closed plants.

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Free market capitalism is redundant. A free market system includes the use of capital to achieve an anticipated profit and/or goal.

Why do so many otherwise “conservative” media personalities, and those running for office refer to our system as capitalism, rather than a free market, free enterprise system ____ FREE being the operative word?


Socialist democrats running for office will promise food on the table, free public housing, health care for all, guaranteed income, free college tuition, and other niceties by taxing the so called rich; and if by chance they ever do get political power because of such promises made, their socialist iron-fisted dependency will enslave the very fools who elected them.

Because it’s not a free market system?

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Why does the OP object to the term “capitalism”? It simply means using accumulated wealth to create more wealth. Is he opposed to that?

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Puzzled me as well to be honest but hay ho

How am I supposed to feel about the tariffs Donald Trump is imposing? I think I saw there are 11bl in new tariffs against the EU recently. That’s free market capitalism, right?


I always stay away from dark alleys and other places where people might be dealing in capitalism. Stay cautious people! Stay safe!


You saw no such thing.

Oh yeah he is a smooth talking socialist :snake:in the political grass for sure!

Are you calling me a liar?

You sure, bro?

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I am saying you were incorrect.


To be accurate, the significant feature of capitalism is the investment of capital to achieve an anticipated profit and/or goal.

By contrast, a free market or free enterprise’s primary characteristics are: people being left free to pursue their own economic interests, and with the least government intrusion, and left free to mutually agree in their contracts and associations.

A free market system includes the use of capital to achieve an anticipated profit and/or goal.

Why do you object to referring to our system as a free market, free enterprise system ____ FREE being the operative word?


The Federal Reserve System of 1913 and the Sixteenth Amendment, also of 1913, have provided the necessary tools to spread the evil tentacles of federal crony capitalism into almost every corner of our once free market, free enterprise system.

So what’s this then, do you think?

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The WTO ruling could authorize tarriff’s on up to 11bn worth of EU goods and services, not 11bn in tariff’s have been imposed on the EU or even will be or could imposed. Plus Trump is an inarticulate moron.

I accept your surrender.


What surrender?

So you didn’t k now what you were taking about, did some googling and proceeded to nit pick.

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