Be cautious of those promoting capitalism, especially Pete Buttigieg

You seem to have that backwards, I knew precisely what I was talking about, which is why I was right and there are no 11bn in tariffs imposed on the EU or likely to be.

Sure, buddy.

This is fine.

And of course like clockwork…


Jeesh, nice misleading headlines that they go on to refute in the very articles sporting them.

Guardian Headline

Trump plans $11bn tariffs aimed at EU’s aircraft, cheese and wine – as it happened

actual fact

His administration has unveiled a package of tariffs on cheese, wine, and planes which would hit goods worth more than $11bn if implemented.

Which isn’t all that accurate either, more accurately, has launched an investigative hearing and request for public commentary on the subject.

Damn. Only one post to expose massive hypocrisy.

Now on to this

from European Union: Trump Tariffs Over Airbus Subsidies

The EU is already getting ready to fire back at Trump’s proposed $11 billion tariff hit over Airbus

Except they can’t retaliate unless and until the arbitrator similarly rules we subsidized Boeing. And what is likely to happen if they do rule that way is that both sides agree to drop it and call it even.

No…it’s Trump saying HE will impose the tariffs.

Well, the subject of the clause “which will now place $11 B in tariffs” is the US, but Trump is the decision-maker

It’s what he says he’ll do because of the ruling…it’s NOT the ruling itself that automatically causes the tariffs or something.

The ruling gave him the right to do it but he doesn’t have to.

And yes it’s probably a negotiating ploy.

Our system was designed by our Founders to keep the people free within each state and free to pursue their own economic interests with the least government intrusion, and left free to mutually agree in their contracts and associations?


See: Pete Buttigieg’s father was a Marxist professor who lauded the Communist Manifesto:

“The father of Democratic presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg was a Marxist professor who spoke fondly of the Communist Manifesto and dedicated a significant portion of his academic career to the work of Italian Communist Party founder Antonio Gramsci, an associate of Vladimir Lenin.”

It’s quite obvious when Pete talks about “democratic capitalism”, he certainly is not talking about a free market, free enterprise system and leaving the people free to pursue their own economic interests. He’s talking about a centrally controlled system in which folks in government manage a centrally controlled economy.


Socialist democrats running for office will promise food on the table, free public housing, health care for all, guaranteed income, free college tuition, and other niceties by taxing the so called rich; and if by chance they ever do get political power because of such promises made, their socialist iron-fisted dependency will enslave the very fools who elected them.

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In a February interview with MSNBC Buttigieg said that “American capitalism is the most productive economic force known to man.”

So, using this logic, each state could have their own trade agreements with other countries and ignore the trump tariffs?

Gay guys are cool

But what he advocates is “democratic capitalism”!

What amazed me, when I realized it, the use of the word “capitalism” by Democrats running for office is necessary in advocating their planned economy, and why they reject the use of free market, free enterprise, which is contrary to what they propose and actually exposes their evil desire ____ their desire being a centralized economy controlled and regulated by government financial “investments”, much like the Soviet Union’s planned economy which left the people enslaved and destitute, while the planners lived large at the people’s expense.

The fight is about leaving the people free to pursue their own economic interests, and being free to mutually agree in their contracts and associations. The fight is about preserving a free market, free enterprise system as apposed to democratic capitalism.


The Federal Reserve System of 1913 and the Sixteenth Amendment, also of 1913, have provided the necessary tools to spread the evil tentacles of federal capitalism into almost every corner of our once free market, free enterprise system.

The fight is lost. We have a mixed market economy. We won’t ever have a free market. Get over it.

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So, you embrace an expansion of “democratic capitalism”?


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez claims to be an advocate of hard working people living in the Bronx. If that is so, why is she not advocating an end to the unconstitutional “Temporary Victory Tax” of 1943, which began federal confiscation of the bread which working people have earned by the sweat of their labor, which is then redistributed by the hand of government?

Absolutely, it’s resulted in the best economic power in the history of the earth.

Yup! Economic power for those in charge of the planned economy such as the Soviet Union’s planned economy which left the people enslaved and destitute, while the planners lived large at the people’s expense.

Your “democratic capitalism” gave us Obama’s green energy money laundering operation, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Enron, our student loan crisis, and many other taxpayer financed disasters. Do you not learn from history?


Democratic Capitalists running for office will promise food on the table, free public housing, health care for all, guaranteed income, free college tuition, and other niceties by taxing the so called rich; and if by chance they ever do get political power because of such promises made, their socialist iron-fisted dependency will enslave the very fools who elected them.

You mean the Department of Energy’s Loan Program that turned a profit? :+1::+1::+1:

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@adroit stop it with your facts

Did you accidentally misrepresent the truth and facts in your above comment?

The fact is, Obama’s green energy “program” was a massive redistribution of money from our federal treasury into the hands of his inner circle pals.

Let us take a look at the list who have profited off working people‘s earned wages being transferred to them by Obama:

• Beacon Power Corp: Received $43 million in federal loan guaranteed in 2009 and also received $29 million in PA grants – Bankrupt in October 2011

• Ener1 (parent company of EnerDel): Received $118.5 million in federal loan guarantees — Bankrupt in January 2012 – has since exited bankruptcy

• Evergreen Solar: Received $58 million in MA loan guarantees (an undisclosed portion sourced from federal ARRA block grant) — Bankrupt in August 2011 with $485.6 million in debt

• Solyndra: Received $535 million in federal loan guarantees in 2009 and $25.1 million in CA tax credit — Bankrupt in August 2011

• SpectraWatt: Received $500,000 in federal loan guarantees in 2009 — Bankrupt in August 2011

• Babcock and Brown: Received $178 million in federal grants in December 2009 (4 months after it went bust) – Bankrupt in early 2009

• Mountain Plaza Inc.: Received $424,000 in federal grants through TN Department of Transportation in 2009 — Bankrupt in 2003 and again in June 2010

• Solar Trust of America (parent company: Solar Millennium): Received $2.1 billion loan guarantee in April 2011 – Bankrupt in April 2012

Other Subsidized Green Energy Companies in decline:

• A123: Received $300 million in federal grants and $135 million in MI grants — Declining orders and have forced multiple layoffs

• Amonix, Inc.: Received $5.9 million in federal tax credits in 2009 through ARRA — Laid off 2/3 of work force

• First Solar: Received $3 billion in federal loan guarantees — Biggest S&P loser in 2011, CEO fired

• Fisker Automotive: $529 million in federal loan guarantees — Multiple 2012 sales prediction downgrades for first car release, delivery and cash flow troubles; Assembling cars in Finland

• Johnson Controls: Received $299 million in federal grants in 2009 — Low demand caused cancellation of a new factory, operating at half capacity

• Nevada Geothermal: Received $98.5 million in federal loan guarantees in 2009 — Defaulting on long-term debt obligations, 85% drop in stock value

• Sun Power: Received $1.2 billion in federal loan guarantees — Debt exceeds assets; French oil company took over last fall

• Abound Solar: Received $400 million in federal loans in 2012 — ½ work force laid off

• BrightSource Energy: $1.6 billion federal loan approved in April 2012 – loan obtained through political connections with the administration; absent the loan, Brightsource’s solar power purchase would have fallen through.

The fact is 80% of Obama’s green jobs money went to Obama donors. It was a massive money laundering operation which plundered our federal treasury.


"To lay with one hand the power of the government on the property of the citizen [a working person’s earned wage] and with the other to bestow upon favored individuals, to aid private enterprises and build up private fortunes [Obama’s green energy swindling deals] is none the less a robbery because it is done under forms of law and called taxation." ____ Savings and Loan Assc. v. Topeka,(1875).