Barr rips into trump tweets


It’s still early yet.

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There are several reasons…one they believe in mighty powerful law enforcement even if it’s detrimental to our civil liberties and 2…they’re afraid that power will be turned against them. And you know what…they should be concern judging from what beuracacy is doing.

That’s why I keep saying stop giving them the power…it will be used at a time of their choosing.

so now are you going to explain why in one breath you say Trump should do something about it while in another breath bitching about Trump influencing CoJ?

Of course Trump controls the Executive Branch of which the DOJ is part of. Holy crap! :rofl:

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No deal…Barr needs to do his ■■■■■■■ job. Starting with clearing everyone out that was hired by Obama administration.

He should have done that one day one.

Then why are you bitching about Trump trying to influence CoJ?

Why does the line “What is they bidding my master?” Come to mind right now?

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I’m not saying anybody should do anything.

Just speculating that all of this flailing and whining is based on emotions and not reality.

The DOJ has about 100,000 employees with the vast majority of them having served during the Obama administration.

So you think Barr can fire the entire DOJ staff? Ridiculous.

BTW the Trump administration requested the resignation of all 46 US Attorneys and so anyone still in the position is someone appointed by Trump not Obama.

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Not reality?

Was McCabe fired for lying under oath yes or no? Did AG ercommend criminal charges against Comey yes or no? Did Clapper lied under oath to congress and American people…yes or no.

Why can’t you libs answer a simple question?

You think you can clean up that joint by releasing 46 people out of 100 thousand?

I have bridge to sell.

Charge them who is stopping that from happening

White House statement is hilarious yo.

Hundred bucks says Trump contradicts it by tomorrow.


Not the point.

Point #1 ALL the top US Attorneys were appointed by President Trump.

Point #2 You said “Starting with clearing everyone out that was hired by Obama administration.” There are 100,000 employees in the DOJ. The thought that Barr would fire them all is ridiculous just on shear numbers and on top of that the vast majority are career employees who served under the Obama Administration (and prior Republican administrations) and CAN’T be fired on a political whim. It would be against the law.

@Safiel - If you see this can you confirm please.

No, he’s just a useless sycophant who realizes the ■■■■■■■■ he’s gotten himself into and is trying to do damage control. Won’t work.

Trump claims to be a businessman. How many businessmen move into a new position and have not implemented their transition pan after three years? What is wrong with these people?

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You’re conflating two distinctly different things.

Trump is the head of the Executive Branch, including the DOJ, and has been for years now. It’s his people. They work at his pleasure. And he has the authority to request they do what he seeks, as long as there is no corrupt intent. If crimes were committed by Clapper or McCabe, then it is Trump’s prerogative to demand his DOJ act. Something he has failed to do and is the source of your alleged vitriol. Of which I actually doubt.

Then there is the issue of Stone. Someone who has gone through the full process and had his crimes adjudicated. He was found guilty by a jury of his peers. Sentencing guidelines and recommendations are established and were submitted. Trump and/or his AG acting on his behalf to undercut a fully adjudicated conviction, in order to show leniency to one of his friends, reeks of corrupt intent, and deserves to be scrutinized.

I have to assume you are quite capable of seeing the difference here and are no longer going to falsely try to conflate the two scenarios.

Which leads us back to whom your ire should be directed. All of the crimes you believe to have occurred have been prevented from progressing by the Trump administration. No one else. The man you fully support is the head of this all. It’s because of him that you feel as if there is a two-tier justice system.

So, with how upset you are at this travesty, will you continue to support him and defend him? Or will you show us all once and for all what many of us already believe to be the case? :thinking:


That sounds about right.

The worm has turned for Barr???

Did Bill Clinton fired all 93 George Bush appointed attorneys…yes or no?

How many of them was recommend by Barr himself when he was Bush AG?