Barr rips into trump tweets

Why don’t you point to one before you announce they exist. Barr’s performance has degraded DOJ substantially… I’m still trying to figure out what pushed The professionals in DOJ must be in utter revolt against

people see that trump lied to the american people over and over again and yet his cult still supports him…

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Republican President.
Republican led Senate.


And whose leadership has all of this happened under man? DONALD TRUMP! Direct your ire at him and his DOJ if you actually care about this. But since you aren’t, then it is pretty clear that you don’t. And this is just about airing of grievances and victimization.


Huh? They won’t exist for another couple minutes.

Sorry but libs are the last people to lecture anyone about cults.


“I know you are, but what am I?”


What people see is a Republican Attorney General not bringing the cases you believe he ought to bring and a Republican Special Prosecutor bringing and winning cases against Trump associates.

Why is that? It could be based on the validity of the cases… but no… you at your keyboard are much better at judging whether to bring a prosecution than any professional prosecutor with the entire evidence file in their hands would be.

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Trump appointed AG, who has proven to be a Trump loyalist. The entirety of the DOJ is in full control by the very man he has sworn completely loyalty to, and yet he cannot bring himself to point the finger where it belongs, in accordance with what he believes has happened. I think we all know why.

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Why is that? I assume because it hurts the cult members’ feeling when this is pointed out.

Did McCabe fired for lying under oath yes or no?

Did Clapper lied under oath to congress yes or no?

Did Comey leaked to a friend so he can leak it to NYSlime yes or no?

Did AG recommend criminal prosecution yes or no?

It seems if you know where the bodies are buried you get off scot free.

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I disagree. See barr is his winston wolfe.

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Why hasnt trump and barr charged them with a crime its been three years

This ■■■■ is beautiful. It’s like Cobra Commander and Destro bickering


So why is Trump letting them off Scott free?

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Are you admitting Trump doesn’t control CoJ?

Which is it lib.

On one breath you ask why Trump is letting em scot free and next minute you’re saying Trump is interfering with CoJ.

So which is it lib?

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Becauae he cant do both.

Clapper is just to powerful

I’m asking a question about your claims.

Why do you think The Republican President and the Republican led Senate hasn’t don’t anything about any of the points you are making?

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Just to take your first question… the only legal action right now is McCabe suing over his firing. Why don’t we wait and see how that turns our rather than assuming that your, I or the websites we like are the source of truth?

I’ll make you a deal, if you tell me how you feel about Barr doing this right this second, I’ll tell you.