Barr Pressured Murdoch? 2

He has been on an anti Trump binge. The people he has angered are the average Fox viewer. He is not exactly a big draw for Fox.

If he threatened action in his position as AG he should resign. However, he is also a citizen who has the right to speak his mind in an unofficial capacity.
Seems to me I recall hearing about this many months ago.

I’m going to disagree just a bit. He’s still the AG and probably wouldn’t get a meeting with Murdoch if he wasn’t. If he made any threat at all, he should be fired.

I saw no indication at all what the topic even was, much less a threat.

If all he said was “Come on man, be fair and balanced” or “What’s your guy’s problem with my guy” or “Hey Rup, you might want to tell your guy to lighten up because he doesn’t know the whole story”

I don’t have a problem with that.

If he said anything resembling “Call off your dog or we’re going to…”

That’s a problem.

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BS, Trump used Federal Officers to secure Federal Property, nothing borderline about that, fully within the scope of executive powers and the constitution.

And he is wrong on the law time after time.

So Nap has angered many people at FOX.

I think you have the answer.


So if one speaks ill of Dear Leader. they aren’t allowed on Fox. Glad to see Cons want to hear both sides…Thats one of the problems in this country for many…Tell me what I want to hear, not the facts.

Oh please. I’ve been to CNN. I’ve been to MSNBC. And Napolitaon is mostly opinion pieces, not “facts”.

But what happened to their “fair and balanced”? Oh, that’s right, they dropped it because absolutely no-one believed it.

Pieces on subjects he’s expert in…kinda sounds like facts to me.

Please, he’s an ex superior court judge masquerading as a constitutional expert and is consistently wrong on the law to boot. Something liberals knew, before he became an anti-trumper.