Barr Pressured Murdoch? 2

You can know what Barr did. When you know it. Sure.

LBJ hated his AG. Strange he didn’t fire him.

She went to reassure Hildawg all was well so she wouldn’t screw up and get Obama splashed in the media. Slick was the errand boy.

It’s just politics, although that one was pretty bad.

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When explaining to others and have them believe you it’s best to not use “Hildawg”. Brings up questions on your interpretation. Just a friendly heads up.

Hildawg is my girl. I’m with her------->

Thats a big IF isn’t it? in the not to distant past that whole article would be classified as “scuttlebutt”, and until Murdoch or Barr weigh in with a definitive answer one way or the other, that’s all the consideration the topic deserves.

Then you will be voting for Biden. Awesome.

It is unclear what the two discussed, as aides of both men declined to speak with the Times.

Huh? What do you know. The only two principles to the meeting…

Likely todays talking pts. :roll_eyes:


Biden is a racist, white male.

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I’m looking for someone actually DOING something. Not just saying something.

Lynch ACTUALLY met with Clinton in a hangar to avoid the media.

Clinton sought out lynch. Not the other way around.

I :heart: this.

Napolitano’s amount of time on Fox is decreasing most probably because he has been on an anti Trump binge since he found out that his chances of being appointed to the Supreme Court were right up there with Judge Judy’s. He is not exactly a popular item with most Fox viewers.

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:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::+1: She had to meet him. What do you think he said to get her to meet?

As crazy and wrong as contemplating the assignation of a foreign leader is, it’s not the same.

It’s BAD, it’s possibly criminal.

But it is not the AG running a political errand for teh POTUS, which is what we are discussing.

It’s more similar to AG Barr pepper spraying priests. Actually, no, that was for political reasons too…its more like AG barr sending camo wearing unmarked troops to round up americans. It was a policy decision that may be borderline legal.

Did SHE seek a meeting to advance the POTUS’s cause?

Or did Bill seek a meeting to try to get protection for his wife?

Obama moved to protect Holder with his Executive privilege.

Sadly our press hasn’t dug into Obama administration all that much.

I have to go but so have few other things on my mind and don’t have time to discuss…or search ATM.

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It is the AG pushing an illegal act for political purposes.

Yes. She did.