Barbie has a very difficult conversation with her black doll friend about racism

I never said they didn’t, I just said they don’t give a ■■■■ that they do.

And this is a bad thing right?

Sure. And it’s harvested from children and many elite caught COVID-19 because their adrenochrome was tainted with the virus. Miss anything?

You don’t need a theory to critique when having an epistemological discussion.

Who’s trolling?

Epistemology is a theory. What is our basis to criticize racism without a theory?

In fact, how can we discuss anything without a theory?

People get exactly what they “deserve” It’s Cause and Effect.

So those fake “humanists” who babble about “social justice” are delusional kooks, preaching heretical ideas that constitute slander of the wonderful, cosmic Law. The effect comes like shadow following body. This is to be expected in this Saha world.

Taking responsibility for one’s karmic results is fundamental to zange (Repentance )

Says the Q guy. Too funny.

Yes, of course what happens when racist attitudes in China drive American entertainment media?

It’s a problem when children’s icons are used to shape children’s perceptions of political issues before they are even asking the political questions being answered. These ads are not aimed at adults.

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These people are spies.

Our internet facilitates SPIES.

They are invaders.

It’s never a good thing to discriminate, also I don’t know if it’s very good for people to sit around feeling guilty and ashamed all the time for something they didn’t do. Barbie didn’t do anything wrong, And while I didn’t play with Barbie as a child I don’t recall ever seeing the Barbie slavery special edition set either.

I personally think we should acknowledge that we live in a western country that while we made mistakes we are also responsible for giving freedoms to women, minorities, religions, as well as gays which isn’t practiced so much outside western countries, instead of this new culture of shame that has been creeping in the last few years. I have enough to worry about (And I am sure I am not alone) to take care of my family much less peoples feelings who are hurt for something that happened 200 years ago

Nor did anyone else, but ideological kooks have a psychosis

They try to demean anything American, because they subscribe to a death-cult mindset

Theory? Philosophical “theory” is a colloquial term. It does not mean the same as theory in scientific and other contexts. Epistemology is a branch of philosophy concerned with the understanding of knowledge. It’s as much a “theory” as logic or ethics are.

Ok, let’s try it. Lead on.

So a child might hear Barbie and form the idea that racism exists and is bad before they begin to question it? This is a negative thing? Are parents really so afraid they can’t discuss social issues with their children until they are directly asked?

Besides, the adults caring for those children can teach that Barbie is wrong and there is no such thing as racism or it is not bad. Those children will listen to and believe their caregivers over Barbie. Pretty woeful if Barbie is out-parenting the parents.

I doubt I’ll have the stamina for a long discussion, but sure…

To me…

Knowledge and understanding of racism is dependent on the individual and largely environmental factors. Factors being if they are indirectly or directly exposed to racism and the attitudes of peer groups and family.

Knowledge and understanding of racism does not need to be directly experienced as it can be acquired through testimony and perception. Perception and testimony need to be verified (skepticism), however should not be dismissed by default. Knowledge and understanding of racism can most definitely be acquired by direct experience. An individual experiencing perceived racism should also show some skepticism as to alternative explanations for their perception.

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Wait. We are upset about Barbie now? Lol.

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Good opening salvo.

Emphasis mine; I don’t understand this.

I don’t necessarily disagree with a caveat and I think you have touched on what we are seeing today.

My caveat is “to a degree.” I think you can attain some knowledge (not experience) of racism a priori from testimony (vicariously).

But I think we have to remember we are only hearing one side of the story and with racism, as with all emotions, intent matters. One example.

Despite what we delude ourselves into believing, as a group we are not at all good communicators. Especially across cultural lines.

And then there is always context.

For example, my context is one of individual and property rights. A hard line between private and public sector.

That line has been scrubbed away over the years to the point where it is almost invisible.

My context tells me “We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone” is moral. Most people think the government should force me to serve certain people based on arbitrary and negotiated identities established by people not involved in the transaction for their virtue.

Most people today would call me a racist for it.

Any criticism of any cultural trait of any chosen subgroup and I am automatically a racist or some other -ist. Because of my race, gender, age and religious belief.

Now, racism is too general for me. Are there racists in the private sector? You betcha. But they have that right.

What there cannot be in racism in the public sector - institutional racism. The government is obligated by its very function to treat all citizens equally. The 14th sums it up quite nicely.

The private sector is not.

I have seen institutional racism. I know exactly what it looks like. It facilitates individual racism.

I have also seen what is being called racism today, and for the most part it is not racism at all. I understand why people feel like it is, but it’s not.

Stereotypes are interesting. We talk about them as if they are evil, but they are actually human nature. How many individual cases, good or bad, do I need to see before I start creating collectives based on other factors?

It happens to all of us. A few years ago, I started thinking about my behavior/assumptions needing to change as my age did because of the perceptions of people I do not know. For example, watching in how I posture when talking to young children and young ladies. A lot of people assume an older man is a lech.

Women in Texas tend to be huggers. I’ve had a couple of discussions with both men and couples about both hugging and handshaking. Once I laid out my case, they agreed. Hands off the women. I don’t want to hug another man’s woman nor shake her hand or even touch her at all. And she doesn’t want me to. We feel obligated by societal norms.

So now I’m a misogynist.

The same thing happens with Racism! It may be, then again it may be something else.

In other words, I don’t believe there is any virtue in associating with someone because of their race when I despise their culture.