This is not a normal event at all.
America is not a place or person, but rather a set of agreed upon Laws created by it’s people.
America represents more racial diversity in it’s people than any other Nation in existence; we are special.
Our Supreme Sovereign is our written Constitution as it contains our Supreme Laws, created by the people for their benefit, the greatest system of Self Governance.
Our military swears their lives, not to a place, not to a person, or even to the people themselves, but rather to the Constitution itself, to the Laws contained therein as they are written.
We are the Constitution, it is were the people reside.
Nothing is more important than it, than us.
Suffering, sacrifice, and even death has been the cost to create, protect, and preserve it. To pass it down from one generation to the next fully intact is a well recognized collective imperative we all share.
The Election Process is the most sacred act the American people can engage in regarding said self Governance, and it is a well defined process laid out fully in said Constitution.
The Election Process is the Constitution come to life, to live, to breath, and touch the people, directly, and them it.
It is why we have been preserved so long, and have risen time, and time again to meet any challenge put before us. As bad as it seems sometimes; and we still got work to do, we all are without doubt, the most free, wealthy, creative, and technically advanced people this planet has yet to produce, and it is because of that set of written Laws, that Constitution, our sacred, precious Constitution.
Take away our Constitution, we become nothing, we cease to exist as a people.
Preserve our Constitution, and we are unstoppable.
We will find that ALL those who tried to turn our Constitution into some kind of piece of toilet paper to wipe their asses on actually did in fact engage in the highest form of Treason; a Capital Crime, punishable by death.
Once it’s established that they knew in advance the Election was lost, but still set in motion lie after lie after lie after lie to the contrary, it will be shown that they in fact committed Treason, by both words, and actions against the Constitution; the People, the United States of America, “Prima facie”.
“Prima Facie”, because there is so much evidence against them, and they just keep flapping their gums too, all of them, like they are above it all, like it’s just a podcast stunt, etc…
It’s willful, premeditated, and acted upon large scale Treason to the Constitution, to the Country, and against the American people themselves too; people died!
These Enemies to the Constitution; almost all lawyers, have a heightened duty to preserve the Constitution, both as legally trained persons, or as elected officials who swore an oath to it; they knew fully their actions were criminal.
This legally is Treason, as they knowingly with great forethought acted, and aided each other to over turn the Presidential Election by all manner of deceit, and criminality, again knowing fully that they had in fact Lawfully, and Constitutionally lost said Election.
The arrogance displayed during the insurrection as well as after, and even now by the actors involved demands the most severe punishment; they show no remorse.
It is so outrageous, so unheard of, that some seem confused as to what crimes were actually committed by them.
Treason, Treason, Treason…
People died, so it’s a Capital crime too, with no limitation on time to bring charges.
Bannon with his grinning yellow chicklet teeth, just rolled off the couch onto a pile of empty pizza boxes stained shirt, unwashed stringy oily hair, all three chins flapping in concert to his own pungent breeze, while that scabby brown teat on the side of his temple leaks down the side of his bulbous head, thinks this is all just a joke!
America is not Steve Bannon.
And our agreed upon Laws, our Constitution, that he, that they attacked, demands, that they ALL be held to account.
To attack the validity, and functioning of our Constitution as they criminally did, to overthrow Democracy itself by installing a leader of their choosing is an attack against America, and her people without any doubt.
The last time a person was found guilty of Treason, and put to death for it in America was because he threw the American flag on the ground.
I don’t know, seems what Bannon, and Trump’s crew tried to do was a bit worse no?
Signal, Signal, Signal, you damned fool…
Congress can still, and should now, invoke inherent contempt, while the iron is still hot.
Bannon wants a fight?
Give him one, two, three fights all at once.
Signal, Signal, Signal…