Bannon Indicted

The problem herein is Pelosi being tainted. Almost anyone following this understands the boss lady is acting like its normal to self proclaim herself as beyond reproach. For example, her input in why troops were ultimately declined two days before Jan 6 is not lost on the general public. .

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True dat. Obama has more confirmeds than Rittenhouse

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Problem or design. Legislatures are political bodies. The party in control will always be tainted, and unfair, and self interested.

So we live with that in each and every one of their investigations.

They have powers and use them nakedly to advance their agenda. It is attenuated by the ballot box, not by declaring “political” investigations illegal.

The bald facts of our system.

Government can be downright ruthless.

In the news today the railroading of innocents in the Malcom X assassination. Two peoples whole lives taken from them because of secret secret and reasons by the government at the time. Imagine having the unfortune of being chosen for that sentence.

A lot of bad is done in the of order.

Pelosi understands her reign is up in less than 14 short months. So what the heck go for it, right.

We’ll see if there is an encore act or not…

If not Pelosi, then the next one.

There has been a partisan controlled congressional investigation happening since I was ten years old.

Each time it is biased and political and unfair.

But within that partisan theater, material and testimony does become available to the public.

Kind of a throw out 3/4 and look at 1/4 deal.

Hardly matters if it is Pelosi running the show or McCarthy or Schumer or McConnell or Joe Blow congressman. They are all insufferable partisans.

there is a difference. republicans will, for reasons of their own, occasionally go after their own.

Uh huh.

Editing. Sounds like I’m making a D/R choice here. I’m not. I just find it meaningless to attempt to score the parties to see which one is more fair and less political. They do what they feel is in thier best interest. The decently of the tactics are controlled by what the voters will tolerate.

And the partisans on both extremes are screaming “more blood!”

when is the last time a democrat congress went after a democrat pol?

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Does it matter? Both parties have deplorable members within them and retain them. Occasionally there is an intersection between their particular transgression and the current public sentiment. And they get the boot.

Absent that intersection business as usual. Neither party is going after their own without a political upside. Dead stop.

difference being, for whatever reasons, republicans will. you can’t even tell us the last time democrats did anything but excuse theirs

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The last guy to be censured.

Democrats by a democrat house.

what about him?

Last guy who got censured. He id a Democrat and he was censured by a Democrat held house

The vote according to google was pretty heavy in favor.

I’m not telling because it is not my job to defend Democrats. They may well have booted somebody yesterday and it does not alter my position one bit.

If people voted on the issues rather than the myth that one tribe is “better” we’d all be better off. Regardless of what party a person is supporting.

okay. so they both have. i had forgotten about rangel

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Pelosi’s own poor judgment with troops being declined on Jan 4h puts her in an especially compromised position. No way this so called standing committee can dance around Nancy and expect most anyone to take any of their ultimate findings even half serious.

I do think there will be a fact narrative about all the actions taken by the police. Probably not to deep.

The specific link to Pelosi is weak. Her and McConnell both did nothing. Which is exactly what most people expect from the titular head with no involvement in operations or tactics.

It was the wrong policing footprint that day for sure and I think changes are coming too to bottom including the level of involvement of the majority leaders.

the senate has nothing to do with it. just the speaker, who was offered ng support on the 4th and said no.