Bad News for Biden: Recent Poll Shows Joe Underwater in Deep-Blue New York

Biden’s favorability-unfavorability rating in New York fell to 45-52%, a drop from 50-45% in September, according to a Tuesday poll from Siena College Research Institute. A majority of Democrats, 52%, want a different presidential candidate in 2024 . . .

In the same poll, 64% of voters and 48% of Democrats disapprove of how the Biden administration is handling the migrant crisis within the state. A majority of voters, 59%, say crime in New York state has gotten worse. About 84% of New York voters say the state’s migrant crisis is serious and 57% say it is very serious.

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Doesn’t look like he’s underwater.

If you think Trump would beat him in NY…I have a bridge to sell.


That’d be even funnier than sweeping the Rust Belt. :rofl:


It would take something seismic like losing New York for the democrats to shift ideology back to representing the working man.


Libs of New York will continue do what they’re told regardless of policy.


In all honesty if you were nominating anyone except the guy about to catch a felony while running for president, I’d be genuinely worried.


If we can’t beat a guy being actively convicted of serious crimes during campaign season, we seriously don’t deserve our democracy.

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What democracy?


Let’s just stop right here. Shan’t be doing this today. America is a democratic republic. We practice representative democracy in our legislature. We are a liberal democracy who actively pushes the idea of liberal democracy in the rest of the world, with an incredible success rate.

A republic is just a form of democracy. It is literally the Roman variation as opposed to the Greek original. Founders were all extremely explicit about this whole thing, published it and everything. Romans too.

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First off we are representative republic…that’s a fact. I understand your generation wasn’t properly taught that in schools.

Secondly…just before reading your post I read where CoJ and corrupt FBI secretly spied on Congressional investigator who had legitimate over site of said agencies.

That is not democracy even by your definition.


Oh no!!!
It’s the word police!!!

Saying America isn’t a democracy is sort of a big deal when you’re discussing politics.

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Saying you’re political expert while claiming we are democracy speak volume. That’s like claiming you’re Constitutional expert while supporting flag burning amendment.


Like Ronald Reagan??

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Words matter.

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Are you actually under the illusion that anyone but Libs who invented the charges against Trump and weren’t going to vote for him anyway are going to cause thinking people to not vote for him based on false charges and convictions? Trump’s rising poll numbers ought to tell you guys how stupid the idea was to falsely charge and convict him, and c’mon man, we all know the fix is in on his coming convictions…

Even after his convictions, he’ll never get prison time, besides, the appeals process won’t be able to be completed before the election and unless they’re also rigged to be done in Lib rigged courts too, his false convictions will get overturned and once he gets re-elected, he’ll just pardon himself.

Really stupid plan, worse than the Russian hoax, but if it makes you guys happy till next November to think about a white House without Trump, well then enjoy yourselves. It will make his victory all the more sweet.


Whether you realize it or not you are talking about me.

I have no fondness for Donald Trump.
I do not believe he is a fiscal conservative.
I do not believe he understand economics , nor does he appoint people who do.
(IMO He makes appointments and economic decisions based on polls.)

I could go on listing the reasons I do not like Donald Trump.
but I honestly believe the politicization of our Justice department today is far worse than it was during the McCarthy witchhunts, and is the greatest threat that America has faced since WW2.

I hope he does not get the nomination, but if he does I will gladly support him, send money and do what I can.
The politization of the Justice department is no trivial matter.

I will not stand idly by while liberty dies.


Anyway, Biden’s low polling numbers in NY appear to be because of immigration policy.
I could pooh-pooh their awakening as “NIMBYism,” but more honestly I think it does not matter what it took for New Yorkers to realize the gravity of the problem.

I am glad it happened.

I’m talking about the idea of those who targeted Trump with false charges, had him arrested, charged and are putting him on trial, and those who have cheered the whole false process against him. Their attempts to take him down and out of the political arena are backfiring bigly, and yet they mindlessly charge ahead with no hope of success. Blindness to the point of stupidity.

Not liking a candidate is one thing, but this persecution really is deranged.

You are not deranged or blind, so I’m not talking about you here…

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