Bad News for Biden: Recent Poll Shows Joe Underwater in Deep-Blue New York

They will never shift. They never represented the working man.
Even when they claim they do it is just a ruse.
Their own Political gain is a priority no matter what the working man wants.
They only USE the ‘working man’ because they come in large numbers as a group.
Working man slaves for living and has no time to analyse Democrats and find the truth. They use Universities and colleges to ‘support’ fringe groops, open border crossers, Societal dropouts and other freeks because they are stupid, poor, brainwashed and easy to con. Even the incarcerated criminals, “Let them vote”…etc.
Not because they ‘care’ for them.
During Depression a loaf of bread bought a lot of followers.
Today a condome, a pot wape or ‘safe injection stations’ do the same.
Unis have ‘tenure’ for the same reason, put your man in and he delivers for 50 years.
Johnson bribed black voters and then bragged how they will ‘vote Democrat for the next 200 years’.

More acurately it is a Constitutional Republic.

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He says …“we are a liberal democracy…”.
Who knew… :joy: :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


From your lips to God’s ears.
I am afraid, tho, the corruption on the D side took too deep of roots and Trump will not win for the same reason he lost last time.

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What would this be in spoken language, please?

And as soon as the GOP candidate is named, they will hold their noses and vote for Biden.

The state will NOT flip red in 2024.

And you’re being silly if you think it will.

Refers to “It went over your head.”

It most cases it means “I told a joke and you didn’t ‘get it.’”

In this case:
I am one of the millions of people among whom Donald Trump becoming more popular as the Dems attempt to jail him.

An earlier posted interpreted my comments in a very curious way and hurled insults at me as a result. I was letting him know my comments went over his head.

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Thank you darling. :joy:

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Biden won’t lose NY, obviously - but there is no way ANY Democrat should be polling in single digits in that state. This is terrible news for Biden.

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leave brandon alone

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That and 48 percent of democrats in New York state blame Biden for illegals in there state.


Biden won’t lose in NY to Donald Trump,
but Nikki Haley is already trashing Joe Biden by 19 pts among independent voters.
and is crushing him overall in 5 out of 6 of the most recent polls.




In a perfect world, Trump would step as… ahh forget it :frowning: our world is obviously far from ■■■■■■■ perfect

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All it took was a few buses from Texas loaded with Illegals. … :rofl:
The sky was falling.
That doesn’t speak well for Biden nor the NY folks.


A liberal democracy??? :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face:

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There were a number of Emerson and Harvard/Harris polls that came out last friday (on real clear politics) comparing biden vs trump, biden vs haley, and biden vs DeSantis.

They showed trump winning and the other two losing to biden.

It even showed Haley losing to Harris.

Check them out.

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That’s likely due to lack of name recognition at this time. I can’t imagine Biden’s chances aren’t dire no matter who he’s up against.

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And now this!