Back when I was a good conservative

Just the existence of a conflict of interest is obviously not enough, because Ivanka and Jared have got CoI’s out the wazoo from working in the administration, and I never hear a peep out of Trump supporters over that.

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I couldn’t read the link to the Times story about him showing videos of mass shootings the night before, but in the link about his tweets it seemed they were investigating some before deciding to proceed as if it were a terrorism investigation.

If they confirmed that he had made anti-American tweets just before the attack then I think we can all be comfortable with their decision to go this way.

Over the past several weeks, with Rudy’s Ukraine Tour and his soon to be upcoming “documentary” on OANN and his soon to be presentation of his “evidence” of Biden corruption to a very friendly subsection of the Senate (and AG Barr)…after which said evidence “may” be made public “sometime”…

…it has become crystal clear that everything that was said about what Donald Trump wanted from the Ukraine is true.

Except to those blind partisans who believe an investigation into a political rival carried out at the order of the President (confirmed by Rudy multiple times now) and playing out, not in some public hearing but on a partisan TV network and in a truly secret meeting, is all good and proper and in keeping with our institutional norms.

Essentially because the Senate has said Trump will not be convicted, he’s doing exactly that for which he’s being impeached, secure in the knowledge he’ll not be called to task for it.

He’s simply accelerating how he does this now. He at least waited a day after the Mueller testimony to try the next level of influencing the election using his office.

Now he’s not even waiting for impeachment to play out before he takes it to the next level.

With a supportive base, compliant members of Congress in his corner, and essentially state-run propaganda ministers to amplify his message, he’ll get away with it too.

The supreme irony that those who believe they are the heirs to the spirit of the Founding Fathers are the ones complicit in allowing what the Founders devised to be eroded and destroyed.

Because “in order to save the country from ‘the libs’, we need to burn our institutional norms to the ground”.


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No THAT’S different… Because… Trump is the messiah.

So, the debunked DNC server. Its a fishing expedition.
Do you endorse our President going on “fishing expeditions”?

Claiming the fbi didn’t abuse the processes in place is not the same as endorsing those processes.

I’d be happy to consider dissolving FISA.

I heard an interesting take on this on the radio.

The problem of involving the judiciary in investigative (which is executive controlled) functions is, how can you ask a judge to be the one who ceros an investigation into say a terrorist plot to blow up a town? You can’t.

But on the other hand, executive actions need oversight…so…

According to the IG report on the FBI, allegations are sufficient to start an investigation.

I was told for three years you do the investigation to come up with the evidence. Horowitz says allegations are sufficient to start an investigation.

According to the dictionary definition of both “allegations” and “investigation”, allegations are sufficient to start an investigation.

I personally think that the bar to obtain a FISA warrant should be pretty high.

Much higher than it is now.

But from what I have seen in the Horowitz report, it doesn’t look like the existing system was abused.

I’m not talking about what the FBI says.

I’m talking about what Trump supporters have said.

They have said allegations alone are NOT enough…

…well…unless it’s Joe Biden, of course.

And you argued against that for the entire 3 years. But now its Different

Even when those allegations have been already investigated and debunked?

My take on this instance, the terrorist brought a gun to a bomb fight. A pistol, no less. He killed three people, a tragedy for sure, perhaps an act of terrorism as well, but I don’t know that it requires a full throated Patriot Act investigation into everyone in the tristate region. Perhaps we’ll learn more that will have me eating these words, but if it is a coordinated effort, I’ll bet the other Saudi’s in the cell are mighty pissed that he rashly carried out the shooting rampage on account of being ridiculed for his porn mustache. The terrorists use our freedoms against us, but they can use this against us as well.

FISA needs to be disband.

My inconsistency, if any, affects no one. If the government uses one standard for the Russia investigation and another standard for what was needed for the impeachment, then we have a double standard of justice.

Doesn’t that title come with the office?

The President mmmm….mmmmmmm….mmmmm

Just to be clear. Are you saying you don’t believe that the President asked for a public announcement of an investigation. Or even directed someone to make that request?