Baby Jesus and the Original Sin

Question: if Jesus was fully human but fully Divine- of Heaven- would he still have the Original Sin?

What is more powerful…the grace of God or Original Sin?

An interesting fact is that Original Sin did not become dogma until about the third or fourth century. It does not have its roots in Judaism, or Islam for that matter. Perhaps more surprising, Orthodox Catholics hold no belief in Original Sin either.

I think Original Sin is best described as human propensity towards sin. This can be overcome.

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Google “was Jesus born with original sin” for details.

In short, it appears that since he was not born of man, it was not transmitted to him.

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As someone raised catholic and taught in a catholic school, original sin is a notion that drove me away from religion.

Is it a concept in other christian religions?

I find it…disdainful…hateful really…

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Original Sin is not found in the Bible. Did Adam and Eve have what you call Original Sin when they were living in the garden before they first sinned?

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Would “fully Divine-of-heaven” include being omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent? Because the Son emptied himself of these when He became human and received them back when he was resurrected and glorified. He was the same Person and without beginning who participated with Father and Holy Spirit in the creation of the universe, but did not have all those same attributes that many consider necessary for Godness.

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1 JN 3:5 – “in Him there is no sin.”

If you believe in Original Sin, the Bible says he had no sin.

If you don’t believe in Original Sin, the question is moot.


A classic case of deity privilege.

Could you cite the biblical scripture that references original sin? It seems to be a straw man.

The doctrine of original sin began to emerge in the 3rd century but only became fully formed with the writings of Augustine of Hippo (354–430), who was the first author to use the phrase “original sin” (Latin: peccatum originale ).[3][4] Augustine’s conception of original sin was based on a mistranslated passage in Paul the Apostle’s Epistle to the Romans, and scholars have debated whether the passage supports Augustine’s view.[5][6][7]

Cynically, original sin exists to sell baptisms.

I don’t believe in Original Sin. I do believe we are prone to sin though.

Hmm…we are prone to things, certainly. And some people label some of the things we are prone to as sin…


Who decides what’s a sin?

Everyone here - including you - have knowingly wronged someone else more than once, and will again.

Some will understand that for what it is, and some will choose to try and argue semantics instead while trailing off in all directions.


There are some ‘sins’ that I think are intrinsic to humanity. Murder. Theft. I don’t think most people are prone to those sins. Do you?

The things that I think a lot of people are prone to are labeled sins by some - drug use, sex, even working hard for material gain is a sin to some.

So it’s not semantics. It’s objectivity. Who defines ‘sin’?

The Judge.

20 years ago, I too would’ve doubled down on a different goalpost instead of simply understanding the point. Those youthful years were defensive times. lol

I’m not sure what this means.

I’ll just say “I disagree with your post. I don’t think most people are prone to the big sins that matter.”

What qualifies you to decide which sins matter?