AZ Audit - Cyber Ninjas Can't Keep It Secret

Pardon me if a neglected to stipulate that I was talking about the freezing temperature of water at sea level, my bad.

Any audit hoping to prove the election should be overturned will be subject to dispute and only if the sizable majority of Americans are convinced it was not a fair election will anything happen to change the election results. That remains true no matter who claims it wasn’t a fair election. It’s a very high bar to clear. Some would say an almost impossible one.

Just a little bit of fun re freezing point of water.

With respect to convincing Americans one way or the other I think that is nigh on impossible at this point in time.

Like I said, would require irrefutable proof. And even then, not likely. I’d be less surprised if Kong showed up in my back yard and took a dip in my pool, watching the bad kong/godzilla movie as I type.

It’s like the birthers.

Wait until x hits the fan.

Never does.


They filed a lawsuit for it not to go to discovery. Thar makes sooo much sense or you know not really

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