Awan "Scandal" Done

The plea deal pertained to making false statements on a bank loan application. What “other stuff” are you referring to?

Trumpkins falling flat on their faces AGAIN? lol


“illegally removed House data from the House network or from House Members’ offices, stole the House Democratic Caucus Server, stole or destroyed House information technology equipment, or improperly accessed or transferred government information, including classified or sensitive information”

he copped a plea so that the investigation stopped before they could prove this stuff

No, they literally said he didn’t did those things. If you take a plea deal to a lesser offense, they don’t come out and say you didn’t commit the prior charges, you just aren’t tried for them. That is not what happened here.

Where in the hell do you come up with stuff like this? :rofl:

you are mistaken. They said they did not have evidence.

They did not have evidence because they stopped looking after he agreed to a plea deal.

why else does someone agree to a plea deal?

You’re right. They performed an investigation which began in September of 2016 and found no evidence. How much can you possibly read into this to twist it to your satisfaction?

Reasons for a plea deal? Avoid trial. Avoid court costs. Avoid more money and resources spent by the government. Hasten the completion of an investigation.

interrupt and stop the ongoing investigation

Neither would I. It looks like Jeff Sessions is part of the deep state.

Hey, whatever satisfies the ongoing narrative you approve of…

yep, that is the only logical conclusion

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Complete and total fabrication that is 100% unsupportable by any evidence.

The Awan “scandal” continues in the paranoid mind of the forever victims Trumpkins

please .I’m being polite.

Stop trolling me.

i love it
report:we investigated and we found he specifically did not do those things that were claimed he did"




Okay. Well done. You still made that up.


It’s the same as the IG report that failed to confirm their already developed conclusions. The lack of evidence is all the evidence they need to confirm their conspiracy is real.

go troll someplace else

The investigation was stopped because of a plea deal.

Why was he offered a plea deal, do you suppose?