Avengers: Endgame sets first day pre sales record

I don’t know, GoT left me kind of…unsatisfied. Still haven’t been able to quite put my finger on why.

The one complaint I have is the lighting. Too many scenes look like they used a single candle for illumination.

Spoilers ahead.

Yeah, I definitely felt that (I had to turn off every single light to bear it). I get the reasoning, it set the mood from the beginning—the Dothraki lights going out was one of the freakiest things in the show.

But the overwhelming force of the undead army was almost made into a farce with the fact that no main characters (maybe Jorah can be considered one?) were killed despite several scenes of them being overrun by wights at times. I mean, Sam died like 7 times, Brienne three, Greyworm was at the point when Wight Tsunami flooded in. Like, what? And the only ones that died were Jorah, Bericade Dondarrion, and Edd? Also, why even show Ghost running with the army? Poooointless.

The dragon fight scenes were such a let down. A couple scuffles, but I don’t think Drogon or Rhaegal even let out any fire at Viserion and NK. What the hell was Jon doing while Dany was fleeing a jet of blue? And the undead coming out of the crypts was such a stupid play. Like, were they buried in drywall? They carried one in a wooden box to King’s Landing, but they punch through stone? Uggggh.

I hate to be a negative nancy, but it doesn’t help that I left Endgame feeling so satisfied and finished S08E03 feeling…almost nothing. It had its moments. I love that Theon got redeemed. Arya is by far my favorite character and has been since I read book 1. I love how she uses the knife intended to kill Bran to kill the NK.

But at the same time, it makes me so much more excited for book 6.

I’m gonna say you dont since you are laying down so much knowledge about Indiana Jones…fan boy