Avenatti to hold 'resistance rally' in Texas the same night as Trump's campaign

Are you capable of writing a single post without mentioning Fox news? I purposely only provided links to MSM sources as the claim was made that Avenatti is just “Trolling conservatives”. Yet he’s already got a platform and has made appearances in NH and Iowa.

And for the record I like Warner as a politician but he has zero appeal as a presidential candidate. The Democratic party cannot win without an energized base

That’s a fair point. But Warner is an example of a D who would be more likely to attract independent voters. And no matter who is running, they need independents as there aren’t enough D or R voters to win.

I don’t think there will be any problem energizing their voters, especially with Trump on the ticket. And even if Trump resigns or just declines to run for a second term, that would mean Pence instead.

So motivating liberals to vote will not be an issue.

Because Fox News will overdramatize it into some liberal vs. conservatives thing. And taking this so seriously based on a few stories that, in all reality, mean little is overblowing the perspective of the whole thing. Anyone can say they’re running and get their name in the paper. It’s the person that matters, not the words.

Exactly and I can’t think of a single liberal I know (in real life) who supports Avenatti in anything other than trolling Trump

I don’t think Pence is a lock if for whatever reason Trump doesn’t run in 2020.

Nikki Haley 2020

I don’t care if he runs and imo, he has zero chance of winning the Democratic nomination.

Personally, I wouldn’t vote for him in the primary because I don’t vote for people running for high offices who have zero experience in government.

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I believe you’re correct. He will run, but have no intention of winning. He will play the part of Trump Wrecking Ball. Trolling back and counter punching even harder. Clearing the deck so other Ds can just ignore trump. One of the 17 R candidates from 2016 should have just done that. But they were all too meek.

I’m betting the Avenatti event won’t attract even a fraction of the crowd Trump will attract.

So a Clinton?

When Avenatti starts paying crowds to attend his rallies, that’s when I’ll start taking him serious as a candidate.

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California Democrat vs. NY Democrat

What happened to my state?

Avenatti! Stormy!! Miss Piggy!!!

Enquiring minds will be there…

What’s he running for?

Trump distractor

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President of Earth.

Might be interesting.

How much? Name your bet.